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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
84721 저널기사 The assignment of drainage direction over flat surfaces in raster digital elevation models 미리보기
Garbrecht, J Elsevier, etc 1980
84722 저널기사 (The) assignment of fiscal responsibility in a federal state: an empirical assessment 미리보기
Christopher Ross Bell. National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America 1988
84723 저널기사 The Assignment of Income Dilemma 미리보기
Newmark, R. L. CPA JOURNAL 1997
84724 저널기사 The Assignment of Scores for Output-based Research Funding 미리보기
Lootsma, F. A. WILEY PUBLISHERS 1999
84725 저널기사 The assignment of sea urchins strongylocentrotus echinoides and S.sachalinicus to S.pallidus, inferred from comparison of their genomes / 미리보기
Tatarenko, D. E Nauka 1991
84726 저널기사 The assimilation of computer-aided marketing activities 미리보기
84727 저널기사 The assimilation of software process innovations: An organizational learning perspective 미리보기
Fichman, Robert G Institute of Management Sciences 1997
84728 저널기사 The assimilation of sulfur from multiple sources and its correlation with expression of the sulfate-starvation-induced stimulon in Pseudomonas putida S-313 미리보기
Beil, S Society for General Microbiology 1980
84729 저널기사 The Assimilative and Contrastive Effects of Word-of-Mouth Volume: An Experimental Examination of Online Consumer Ratings 미리보기
Khare, A.; Labrecque, L. I.; Asare, A. K. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
84730 저널기사 The Assistant Economy 미리보기
Mari, Francesca Foundation for the Study of independent social ideas, inc] 2015
84731 저널기사 The associated primes of local cohomology modules over rings of small dimension/ 미리보기
Marley, Thomas 2001
84732 저널기사 The Associated Ship and South African Admiralty Jurisdiction, Malcolm John David Wallis : boekbespreking 미리보기
E.C. Schlemmer Juta 2012
84733 저널기사 THE ASSOCIATION 미리보기
Gemmological Association of Australia 2000
84734 저널기사 THE ASSOCIATION 미리보기
Gemmological Association of Australia
84735 저널기사 THE ASSOCIATION 미리보기
Gemmological Association of Australia
84736 저널기사 THE ASSOCIATION 미리보기
Gemmological Association of Australia 2001
84737 저널기사 THE ASSOCIATION 미리보기
Gemmological Association of Australia 1995
84738 저널기사 THE ASSOCIATION 미리보기
Gemmological Association of Australia 2000
84739 저널기사 THE ASSOCIATION 미리보기
Gemmological Association of Australia
84740 저널기사 THE ASSOCIATION 미리보기
Gemmological Association of Australia 2001
맨앞 이전 4231 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 4239 4240 다음 맨뒤
