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84801 저널기사 The Association Between Older Israelis’ Quality of Relationships With Their Family and Migrant Live-in Caregivers and Their Loneliness 미리보기
Iecovich, E. Gerontological Society of America 2016
84802 저널기사 The Association Between Operating Cash Flows and Dividend Changes: An Empirical Investigation 미리보기
Charitou, A. BLACKWELL 1998
84803 저널기사 The Association between Outside Directors, Institutional Investors and the Properties of Management Earnings Forecasts 미리보기
AJINKYA, B.; BHOJRAJ, S.; SENGUPTA, P. Institute of Professional Accounting, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago ; London School of Economics and Political Science, Univer 2005
84804 저널기사 The association between presentation PSA and race in two sequential time periods in prostate cancer patients seen at a university hospital and its community affiliates/ 미리보기
Pan, C. C Pergamon Press 2003
84805 저널기사 The association between pro forma earnings and earnings management 미리보기
Elshafie, E.; Yen, A. R.; Yu, M. Emerald 2010
84806 저널기사 The association between psychosocial factors and vaccine-induced cytokine production/ 미리보기
Hayney, M. S Butterworths 2003
84807 저널기사 The association between research and development expenditure and firm performance: testing a life cycle hypothesis 미리보기
Ahmed, K.; Jinan, M. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd 2011
84808 저널기사 The association between respiratory distress and nonpulmonary morbidity at 34 to 36 weeks' gestation/ 미리보기
As-Sanie, S C.V. Mosby Co 1900
84809 저널기사 The Association Between Retirement and Emotional Well-being: Does Prior Work-Family Conflict Matter? 미리보기
Coursolle, K. M.; Sweeney, M. M.; Raymo, J. M.; Ho, J. H. Gerontological Society of America 2010
84810 저널기사 The Association Between Right Lower Quadrant Abdominal Pain and Appendiceal Pathology in Women With Endometriosis./ 미리보기
Agarwal, S K American Fertility Society [etc.] 2001
84811 저널기사 The Association between Security Prices and Financial Information in the Spanish Stock Market 미리보기
84812 저널기사 The Association Between Selected Corporate and Timeliness in Corporate Reporting 미리보기
Davies, B.;Whittred, G. P. Springer-Verlag 1980
84813 저널기사 (The) Association between SFAS No. 119 derivatives disclosures and the foreign exchange risk exposure of manufacturing firms 미리보기
Wong, M. H. franco unknown 2000
84814 저널기사 The Association between SFAS No. 119 Derivatives Disclosures and the Foreign Exchange Risk Exposure of Manufacturing Firms 미리보기
84815 저널기사 The Association between SFAS No. 157 Fair Value Hierarchy Information and Conditional Accounting Conservatism 미리보기
Black, Jonathan; Chen, Jeff Zeyun; Cussatt, Marc American Accounting Association. 2018
84816 저널기사 The Association Between Social Resources and Cognitive Change in Older Adults: Evidence From the Charlotte County Healthy Aging Study 미리보기
Hughes, T.F.; Andel, R.; Small, B.J.; Borenstein, A.R.; Mortimer, J.A. Gerontological Society of America 2008
84817 저널기사 The Association Between Stock-Price Interest Rate Sensitivity and Disclosures about Derivative Instruments 미리보기
Schrand, C. M. unknown 1997
84818 저널기사 The Association Between Stock-price Interest Rate Sensitivity and Disclosures about Derivative Instruments 미리보기
SCHRAND,CATHERINE M. ;; unknown 1997
84819 저널기사 The Association between Sustainability Governance Characteristics and the Assurance of Corporate Sustainability Reports 미리보기
Peters, G.F.; Romi, A.M. Auditing Section of the American Accounting Association 2015
84820 저널기사 The association between the availability of ambulatory care and non-emergency treatment in emergency medicine departments: A comprehensive and nationwide validation 미리보기
Chan, C. L.; Lin, W.; Yang, N. P.; Huang, H. T. Elsevier ; Elsevier Science Pub. Co. 2013
맨앞 이전 4241 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246 4247 4248 4249 4250 다음 맨뒤
