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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
84861 저널기사 The Association in 2000 - Prizes - MLA Award for Lifetime Scholarly Achievement/ 미리보기
The Association 2000
84862 저널기사 The Association in 2000 - Prizes - MLA Prize for a Distinguished Scholarly Edition/ 미리보기
The Association 2000
84863 저널기사 The Association in 2000 - Prizes - MLA Prize for a First Book/ 미리보기
The Association 2000
84864 저널기사 The Association in 2000 - Prizes - MLA Prize for Independent Scholars/ 미리보기
The Association 2000
84865 저널기사 The Association in 2000 - Prizes - Morton N Cohen Award/ 미리보기
The Association 2000
84866 저널기사 The Association in 2000 - Prizes - William Riley Parker Prize/ 미리보기
The Association 2000
84867 저널기사 The Association in 2000 - Procedures for Organizing Meetings at the MLA Convention/ 미리보기
The Association 2000
84868 저널기사 The Association in 2000 - Proposed Amendments to the Constitution/ 미리보기
The Association 2000
84869 저널기사 The Association in 2000 - The MLA Staff/ 미리보기
The Association 2000
84870 저널기사 The Association in 2000 - The One Hundred Ten Presidents/ 미리보기
The Association 2000
84871 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - A Concise Guide to Activities and Services/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
84872 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Association Statistics and Distribution of Members/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
84873 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Committees and Commissions/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
84874 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Constitution/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
84875 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Contributors to the 2000 MLA International Bibliography /// 미리보기
The Association 2001
84876 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Delegate Assembly Bylaws/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
84877 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Divisions and Discussion Groups/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
84878 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Governance Structure/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
84879 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Governance Structure - Delegate Assembly/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
84880 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Governance Structure - Executive Council/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
맨앞 이전 4241 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246 4247 4248 4249 4250 다음 맨뒤
