84941 |
The Association of Natural, Social and Economic Factors with Bird Species Richness in Rural England
Huby, M.; Cinderby, S.; Crowe, A. M.; Gillings, S.; McClean, C. J.; Moran, D.; Owen, A.; White, P. C.
84942 |
The Association of P-Glycoprotein with Response to Chemotherapy and Clinical Outcome in Patients with Osteosarcoma: A Meta-Analysis/
Pakos, E. E
Published for the American Cancer Society by J. Wiley [etc.]
84943 |
The association of phosphorylase kinase with membranes of rat liver smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Maridakis, G. A
Dr. W. Junk B. V. Publishers
84944 |
The Association of Pretreatment Health-Related Quality of Life with Surgical Complications for Patients Undergoing Open Surgical Resection for Colorectal Cancer/
Anthony, T
J. B. Lippincott [etc.]
84945 |
The association of prior myomectomy and positive chlamydia serology with intrauterine adhesions./
Huang, W M
American Fertility Society [etc.]
84946 |
The Association of Program Ratios and Consolidation Choices: Evidence from Nonprofit Hospitals
Quosigk, Benedikt M.; Forgione, Dana A.
American Accounting Association
84947 |
The Association of Quality, Risk, Sacrifice, Satisfaction, and Loyalty at the Destination Level: A Structural Model
Hossain, Md Enayet; Quaddus, Mohammed; Shanka, Tekle
Cognizant Communication Corp
84948 |
The Association of Race and Socioeconomic Status With Cardiovascular Disease Indicators Among Older Adults in the Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study
Rooks, R. N.; Simonsick, E. M.; Miles, T.; Newman, A.; Kritchevsky, S. B.; Schulz, R.; Harris, T.
Gerontological Society of America
84949 |
The Association of R&D and Capital Expenditures with Subsequent Earnings Variability:
Amir, E.; Guan, Y.; Livne, G.
Blackwell Publishing Ltd
84950 |
The Association of South East Asian Nations - Peoples Republic of China Free Trade Area Negotiating Beyond Eternity With Little Trade Liberalization?
Inama, S.
Werner Pub.
84951 |
The association of Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus with canine infectious respiratory disease/
Chalker, V. J
Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co
84952 |
The Association of Survey Setting and Mode with Self-Reported Health Risk Behaviors among High School Students
Brener, N. D.; Eaton, D. K.; Kann, L.; Grunbaum, J. A.; Gross, L. A.; Kyle, T. M.; Ross, J. G.
University of Chicago Press [etc.]
84953 |
The Association of the Severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnea With Plasma Leptin Levels/
Ozturk, L
American Medical Association
84954 |
The association of tubulin carboxypeptidase activity with microtubules in brain extracts is modulated by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation processes
Sironi, J. J
Dr. W. Junk B. V. Publishers
84955 |
The Association of Yogurt Starters with Lactobacillus casei DN 114.001 in Fermented Milk Alters the Composition and Metabolism of Intestinal Microflora in Germ-Free Rats and in Human Flora-Associated Rats
Djouzi, Z
Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology
84956 |
The associations of soil fertility and market access with household income: Evidence from rural Uganda
Yamano, T.; Kijima, Y.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
84957 |
The assortative matching scheme in a survival battle
Aloni, E.; Sela, A.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
84958 |
The Assortment Packing Problem: Multiperiod Assortment Planning for Short-Lived Products
Caro, F.; Martinez-de-Albeniz, V.; Rusmevichientong, P.
Institute of Management Sciences]
84959 |
The Assumed Users in Three Accounting Theories
Fraser, I. A. M.;Nobes, C. W.
Institute of Chartered Accountants
84960 |
The assumption of equal marginal utility of income: how much does it matter?
Medin, H.