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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 AACSB International and the management of its brand: implications for the future 미리보기
White, J. B.; Miles, M. P.; Levernier, W. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
82 저널기사 AACSB restructures standards group, votes against postbaccalaureate education requirement for CPAs. 미리보기
Ameican Institute of Cerified Public Accountant
83 저널기사 AAD consensus statement on psoriasis therapies/ 미리보기
Callen, J. P C. V. Mosby] 2003
84 저널기사 AAD Guidelines of Care: How did we get here and where are we going?/ 미리보기
Van Voorhees, A. S C. V. Mosby] 2003
85 저널기사 A. A. Dijkhuizen and R. S. Morris, Animal Health Economics - Principles and Applications 미리보기
Haxsen, G. Mouton 1998
86 저널기사 a-Adrenergic Supersensitivity of the Sudomotor Nerve in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome/ 미리보기
Ch�mali, Kamal R Little, Brown and Co.] 2001
87 저널기사 A adsoption on a single domain Si(001)2 x 1 surface studied by electron and photoelectron diffraction 미리보기
Shivaprasad, S. M North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
88 저널기사 AAEP modifies constitution, bylaws at convention 미리보기
American Veterinary Medical Association 1980
89 저널기사 AAF ADVERTISES 미리보기
unknown Crain Communications 2013
90 저널기사 AAF says Congress considering 'draconian' changes to tax code 미리보기
unknown Crain Communications 2013
91 저널기사 AAF sounds alarm about possible tax-reform efforts 미리보기
unknown Crain Communications 2013
92 저널기사 AAI Membership Application/ 미리보기
Williams & Wilkins 2000
93 저널기사 AAI Membership Application/ 미리보기
Williams & Wilkins 2001
94 저널기사 AAI Membership Application/ 미리보기
Williams & Wilkins 2001
95 저널기사 AAI Membership Application/ 미리보기
Williams & Wilkins 2000
96 저널기사 AAI Membership Application/ 미리보기
Williams & Wilkins 2000
97 저널기사 AAI Membership Application/ 미리보기
Williams & Wilkins 2000
98 저널기사 AAI Membership Application/ 미리보기
Williams & Wilkins 2000
99 저널기사 AAI Membership Application /// 미리보기
Williams & Wilkins 2001
100 저널기사 AAI Membership Application/ 미리보기
Williams & Wilkins 2000
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