1141 |
"Ability" biases in schooling returns and twins: a test and new estimates
Behrman, J. R.
1142 |
Ability for In-Season Correction of Nitrogen Deficiency in Corn Using Chlorophyll Meters
Varvel, G. E. Schepers, J. S. Francis, D. D.
Soil Science Society of America
1143 |
Ability, Gender, and Performance Standards: Evidence from Academic Probation
Lindo, J.M.; Sanders, N.J.; Oreopoulos, P.
American Economic Association
1144 |
Ability-heterogeneity, entrepreneurship, and economic growth
Jiang, N.; Wang, P.; Wu, H.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
1145 |
Ability, location and household demand for Internet bandwidth
Savage, S. J.; Waldman, D. M.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
1146 |
Ability of accounting and audit quality variables to predict bank failure during the financial crisis
Jin, J. Y.; Kanagaretnam, K.; Lobo, G. J.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
1147 |
Ability of Broilers to Resist Heat Following Neonatal Exposure to High Environmental Temperature
May, J. D
Poultry Science Association, etc.]
1148 |
Ability of Canine Termite Detectors to Locate Live Termites and Discriminate Them from Non-Termite Material/
Brooks, S. E
Entomological Society of America [etc.]
1149 |
Ability of Commercial Laying Hens Producing Different Egg Outputs to Meet Their Methionine and Energy Requirements When Fed the Same Diet
Harms, R. H
Poultry Science Association, etc.]
1150 |
Ability of Different Flavonoids To Inhibit the Procoagulant Activity of Adherent Human Monocytes
Lale, A
American Society of Pharmacognosy
1151 |
Ability of empirical potentials (AMBER, CHARMM, CVFF, OPLS, Poltev) and semi-empirical quantum chemical methods (AM1, MNDO/M, PM3) to describe H-bonding in DNA base pairs; comparison with ab initio results
Hobza, P. Hubalek, F. Kabelac, M. Mejzlik, P.
North Holland
1152 |
Ability of EU Legislation to Deter: the Volkswagen Case
Brecht Geebelen
Kluwer Law International : Sold and distributed in North, Central and South America by Aspen Publishers, Inc.
1153 |
Ability of Experience Design Elements to Elicit Emotions and Loyalty Behaviors
Pullman, M. E.; Gross, M. A.
Blackwell Publishing Ltd
1154 |
Ability of flumazenil, butorphanol, and naloxone to reverse the anesthetic effects of oxymorphone-diazepam in dogs
Lemke, K. A
American Veterinary Medical Association
1155 |
Ability of laying hens to negotiate horizontal perches at different heights, separated by different angles
Scott, G. B
1156 |
Ability of mathematical models to predict faecal output with a pulse dose of indigestible marker
Susmel, P
Cambridge University Press
1157 |
Ability of neonatal human Lactobacillus isolates to remove cholesterol from liquid media
Marshall, V. M
Published for the Insstitute of Food Science and Technology (U.K.) by Blackwell Scientific Publicati
1158 |
Ability of PMMA To Improve the PC/PVDF Interfacial Adhesion
Moussaif, N
American Chemical Society
1159 |
Ability of Polyethylene Boots to Protect the Belowground Portion of Small Stakes Against Decay
Scheffer, T. C
Forest Products Research Society]
1160 |
Ability of streptomyces to accumlative the poly-β-hydroxybutyric acid /
Kuznetsov, V.D