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1181 저널기사 A-B InBev puts Amy Schumer and Seth Rogen in Spanx. And more Super Bowl tales 미리보기
unknown Crain Communications 2016
1182 저널기사 A-B InBev's Bud Light bounces back to Omnicom 미리보기
unknown Crain Communications 2013
1183 저널기사 AB InBev's next hurdle—accepting Cannes Marketer of the Year while reeling from Bud Light fiasco: Industry observers weigh in on the awkwardness of the embattled company accepting a top Cannes trophy 미리보기
E. J. S. Nudd ; Tim Crain Communications 2023
1184 저널기사 AB InBev starts global media agency review: Incumbents Dentsu, Publicis and WPP battle for the account as the world's 11th-largest ad spender overhauls its media and marketing approach 미리보기
E. J. Schultz Crain Communications 2021
1185 저널기사 A-B InBev takes to Twitter to fight watery-beer battle 미리보기
unknown Crain Communications 2013
1186 저널기사 ABI/NCI Members Told Of Need For Image Building, ADMI/WPI Annual Meeting 미리보기
Cummins Pub. Co., etc.] 1982
1187 저널기사 Ab initio adiabatic and diabatic permanent dipoles for the low-lying states of the LiH molecule. A direct illustration of the ionic character 미리보기
Gadea, F. X. Berriche, H. North Holland 1995
1188 저널기사 Ab initio adsorption studies of HCO on Ni(111) 미리보기
Yang, H North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
1189 저널기사 Ab initio all-electron Dirac-Fock-Breit calculations for UF~6 미리보기
Malli, G. L American Institute of Physics 1980
1190 저널기사 Ab Initio Ammonia and CO Lateral Interactions on Pt(111) 미리보기
Jennison, D. R American Physical Society 1980
1191 저널기사 Ab initio analysis of energetics of s-phase formation in Cr-based systems (5 pages)/ 미리보기
Havr�nkov? J 2001
1192 저널기사 Ab initio and density functional study of the 5-pentacyclo(,6.02,7.04,10)dodecyl cation. A symmetrical (micro)-hydride bridged carbocation/ 미리보기
Carneiro, Jos� Walkimar de M North Holland 2001
1193 저널기사 Ab initio and density functional study of the Jahn-Teller distortion in the silane radical cation 미리보기
De Proft, F. Geerlings, P. North Holland 1996
1194 저널기사 Ab initio and DFT computer studies of complexes of quaternary nitrogen cations: trimethylammonium, tetramethylammonium, trimethylethylammonium, choline and acetylcholine with hydroxide, fluoride and chloride anions/ 미리보기
Davies, A. S Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
1195 저널기사 Ab initio and DFT studies for accurate description of van der Waals interaction between He atoms/ 미리보기
Kurita, Noriyuki North Holland 2001
1196 저널기사 Ab initio and DFT studies of the weakly bound nitrogen molecule complexes (N2)n (n=3-6)/ 미리보기
Li, Q North Holland 2003
1197 저널기사 Ab initio and DFT study of molecular structure and tautomerism of 2-amino-2-imidazoline, 2-amino-2-oxazoline and 2-amino-2-thiazoline/ 미리보기
Remko, Milan North Holland 2001
1198 저널기사 Ab initio and DFT study of the ground 3A' potential energy surface for the O(3P)+N2O->2NO reaction/ 미리보기
Gonz�lez, Miguel North Holland 2001
1199 저널기사 Ab initio and hybrid density functional theory studies of the forward and reverse barriers for the C~2H~4 + H -> C~2H~5 reaction 미리보기
Jursic, B. S Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
1200 저널기사 Ab initio and hybrid DFT study on the electronic states of fluorenone-Na complexes/ 미리보기
Kawabata, H Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
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