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1241 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of anharmonic vibrational circular dichroism intensities of trans-2,3-dideuteriooxirane 미리보기
Bak, K. L American Institute of Physics 1980
1242 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of anharmonic vibrational transition intensities of trans-2,3-dideuteriooxirane 미리보기
Bludsky, O American Institute of Physics 1980
1243 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of doubly resonant sum-frequency generation second-order polarizabilities of LiH/ 미리보기
Zalesny, R North Holland 2003
1244 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of exchange interactions, spin-wave stiffness constants, and Curie temperatures of Fe, Co, and Ni (9 pages)/ 미리보기
Pajda, M Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
1245 저널기사 Ab Initio Calculations of Fullerenes 미리보기
Scuseria, G. E American Association for the Advancement of Science 1980
1246 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of normal and resonant x-ray emission soectra forthe OCS molecule 미리보기
Walsh, T. R IOP Pub 1980
1247 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of oscillator strengths and Land� factors for NdIII/ 미리보기
Bord, D J Springer-Verlag 2000
1248 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of Ru, Pd, and Ag cluster structure with 55, 135,and 140 atoms 미리보기
Jennison, D. R American Institute of Physics 1980
1249 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of spin-dependent transport properties 미리보기
Mertig, I American Institute of Physics 1980
1250 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of the 3C-SiC(111)/Ti polar interfaces (12 pages)/ 미리보기
Tanaka, S Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
1251 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of the anionic sodium-ammonia complex 미리보기
Ritze, H.-H. North Holland 1997
1252 저널기사 Ab Initio Calculations of the Curie Temperature of Complex Permanent-Magnet Materials 미리보기
Sabiryanov, R. F American Physical Society 1980
1253 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of the Curie temperature of complex permanent-magnet materials: Sm~2Fe~1~6A (A=Ga, Si) 미리보기
Sabiryanov, R. F American Institute of Physics 1980
1254 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of the electronic and structural properties of beryllium-, magnesium- and calcium-nitrides/ 미리보기
Mokhtari, A North-Holland 2003
1255 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of the electronic structure of the silver palladium oxide Ag2PdO2/ 미리보기
Yu, L. H North-Holland 2003
1256 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of the energies of the ring-opened and ring-closed isomers of C~2H~4S^+^* 미리보기
Belbruno, J. J. North Holland 1996
1257 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of the "giant" magnetoresistance in uranium intermetallics 미리보기
Richter, M American Institute of Physics 1980
1258 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of the ground and excited states of I^-~2 and ICl^ 미리보기
Parson, R. Maslen, P. E. Faeder, J. North Holland 1996
1259 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of the interaction of He with the B ^3�0~u+ state of Cl~2 as a function of the Cl~2 internuclear separation 미리보기
Rohrbacher, A American Institute of Physics 1980
1260 저널기사 Ab-initio calculations of the interlayer exchange coupling in Co/Cu 미리보기
Lang, P North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
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