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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1261 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of the interlayer exchange coupling of Fe-/Co-/Ni-layers in Cu(100) 미리보기
Wildberger, K North-Holland Pub. Co 1997
1262 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of the polarizability and the hyperpolarizabilityof C~6~0 미리보기
Norman, P American Institute of Physics 1980
1263 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of the potential energy surface for the reaction N(2D)+CH3F/ 미리보기
Zhou, Xiaoguo North Holland 2001
1264 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of the ring-opened and ring-closed isomers of C~2H~4O^+: the need for high level electron correlation techniques 미리보기
BelBruno, J. J. North Holland 1996
1265 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of the structures and energies of gas phase isomeric C~3N~4 molecules 미리보기
BelBruno, J. J. North Holland 1997
1266 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of the transfer parameters and coulombic repulsion and estimation of their effects on the electron delocalization and magnetic coupling in mixed-valence Keggin polyoxotungstates/ 미리보기
Suaud, N Pergamon Press 2003
1267 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of the vibrational contributions to the static dipole polarizability of CO~2 and CS~2 미리보기
Blain, M. Bras, N. Leclercq, J.-M. Guerreiro, M. North Holland 1997
1268 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of three-photon absorption 미리보기
Cronstrand, P North Holland 2003
1269 저널기사 Ab Initio Calculations of Vibrationally Resolved Resonances in Electron Collisions with H~2, HD, and D~2 미리보기
Stibbe, D. T American Physical Society 1980
1270 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of vibronic coupling. Applications to symmetry-forbidden vibronic spectra and internal conversion in ethylene 미리보기
Hayashi, M. Mebel, A. M. Lin, S. H. North Holland 1997
1271 저널기사 Ab initio calculations on 1,3,2-diazaphospholes: new heteroaromatic systems 미리보기
Sauers, R. R Pergamon Press 1980
1272 저널기사 Ab initio calculations on 2-imidazolyl-2-thiazolyl azo compounds - an investigation of potential near-infrared absorbing structures/ 미리보기
�strand, Per-Olof North Holland 2001
1273 저널기사 Ab initio calculations on etching of graphite and diamond surfaces by atomic hydrogen (6 pages)/ 미리보기
Kanai, C 2001
1274 저널기사 Ab initio calculations on indole-water, 1-methylindole-water and indole-(water)2 미리보기
Mourik, Tanja van North Holland 2000
1275 저널기사 Ab initio calculations on (MgO)~n, (CaO)~n, and (NaCl)~n clusters (n=1-6) 미리보기
Malliavin, M.-J American Institute of Physics 1980
1276 저널기사 Ab initio calculations on the electronic states of GaAr and GaAr^+ 미리보기
Su Jin Park American Institute of Physics 1980
1277 저널기사 Ab initio calculations on the inclusion complexation of cyclobis(paraquat-p-phenylene)/ 미리보기
Zhang, Ke-Chun North Holland 2001
1278 저널기사 Ab initio calculations on the reaction mechanism for the radical reaction CH3+ClO/ 미리보기
Zhou Royal Society of Chemistry 2001
1279 저널기사 Ab initio calculations on the structure, vibrational frequencies, and valence excitation energies of the benzene...Ar and benzene...Ar~2 cluster 미리보기
Selzle, H. L. Hobza, P. Bludsky, O. Schlag, E. W. North Holland 1996
1280 저널기사 Ab initio calulations of lattice dynamics / 미리보기
Savrasov, S.Yu 1995
맨앞 이전 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 다음 맨뒤
