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1281 저널기사 Ab initio CASSCF and MRSDCI calculations of the (C~6H~6)^+~2 radical 미리보기
Sumi, T. Miyoshi, E. Sakai, Y. Ichikawa, T. North Holland 1997
1282 저널기사 Ab initio CCSD(T) and MRD-CI study of excited states and the electronic spectrum of linear C5+/ 미리보기
Schnell, Melanie North Holland 2001
1283 저널기사 Ab initio characterization of HBrO~2 isomers: implications for stratospheric bromine chemistry 미리보기
Lee, T. J. North Holland 1996
1284 저널기사 Ab Initio Characterization of MgCCH, MgCCH^+, and MgC~2 and Pathways to Their Formation in the Interstellar Medium 미리보기
Woon, D. E Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
1285 저널기사 Ab initio characterization of the ion P~2O^+ 미리보기
Aquino, A. J. A. Taylor, P. R. North Holland 1996
1286 저널기사 Ab initio characterization of the structure and energetics of the ArHF complex 미리보기
Van Mourik, T American Institute of Physics 1980
1287 저널기사 Ab initio characterization of the xenon dihydride dimer - (HXeH)2 미리보기
Lundell, J North Holland 2003
1288 저널기사 Ab initio cluster model calculations on the boson peak frequencies of B~2O~3 glass 미리보기
Uchino, T American Institute of Physics 1980
1289 저널기사 Ab initio cluster model calculations on the vibrational frequencies of TeO~2 glass 미리보기
Uchino, T North-Holland 1980
1290 저널기사 Ab initio collision-induced polarizability, polarized and depolarized Raman spectra, and second dielectric virial coefficient of the helium diatom 미리보기
Moszynski, R American Institute of Physics 1980
1291 저널기사 Ab Initio Computational Examination of Carbonyl Reductions by Borane: The Importance of Lewis Acid-Base Interactions 미리보기
DiMare, M American Chemical Society [etc.] 1980
1292 저널기사 Ab initio computational study of selected C~6~0H~6 isomers 미리보기
Cahill, P. A. North Holland 1996
1293 저널기사 Ab initio computational study of the interaction of Cl atoms with HI, CH~3I and CH~3OCH~2I 미리보기
Papagiannakopoulos, P. Lazarou, Y. G. Kambanis, K. G. North Holland 1997
1294 저널기사 Ab initio computation of molecular singlet-triplet energy differences using auxiliary field Monte Carlo/ 미리보기
Baer, Roi North Holland 2001
1295 저널기사 Ab initio computation of semiempirical �electron methods. V. Geometry dependence of H^v �electron effective integrals 미리보기
Martin, C. H American Institute of Physics 1980
1296 저널기사 Ab initio configuration interaction calculations of the potential curvesand lifetimes of the low-lying electronic states of the lead dimer 미리보기
Das, K. K. Liebermann, H.-P American Institute of Physics 1980
1297 저널기사 Ab initio configuration interaction calculations of the predissociation of rovibrational levels of the C ^3cap pi~g and d ^1cap pi~g 3 s�Rydbergstates of the oxygen molecule 미리보기
Li, Y American Institute of Physics 1980
1298 저널기사 Ab initio configuration interaction determination of the overtone vibrations of methyleneimine in the region 2800-3200 cm^-^1 미리보기
Pouchan, C American Institute of Physics 1980
1299 저널기사 Ab initio conformational study of 2,2':5',2"-terthiophene 미리보기
La Manna, G. Ciofalo, M. North Holland 1996
1300 저널기사 Ab initio density-functional supercell calculations of hydrogen defects in cubic SiC (19 pages)/ 미리보기
Aradi, B 2001
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