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1341 저널기사 Ab Initio Modeling of Small, Medium, and Large Loops in Proteins/ 미리보기
Galaktionov, S John Wiley & Sons, etc.] 2001
1342 저널기사 Ab initio modeling of surface structure for SrTiO3 perovskite crystals (5 pages)/ 미리보기
Heifets, E Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
1343 저널기사 Ab initio model study on a water molecule between graphite layers/ 미리보기
Ruuska, H Pergamon Press 2003
1344 저널기사 Ab initio molecular dynamics around a conical intersection: Li(2p) + H~2 미리보기
Martinez, T. J. North Holland 1997
1345 저널기사 Ab initio molecular dynamics for liquid metals 미리보기
Kresse, G North-Holland 1980
1346 저널기사 Ab initio molecular dynamics of ion solvation. The case of Be^2^+ in water 미리보기
Sprik, M. Marx, D. Parrinello, M. North Holland 1997
1347 저널기사 Ab initio molecular dynamics of pseudorotating Li~5 미리보기
Carter, E. A. Gibson, D. A. North Holland 1997
1348 저널기사 Ab initio molecular dynamics of retinals 미리보기
De Groot, H. J. M. Bifone, A. Buda, F. North Holland 1996
1349 저널기사 Ab initio Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Laser Melting of Silicon 미리보기
Silvestrelli, P. L American Physical Society 1980
1350 저널기사 Ab initio molecular-dynamics simulation of liquid GaxAs1-x alloys/ 미리보기
Kulkarni, R V Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2000
1351 저널기사 Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation of liquid hydrogen fluoride 미리보기
Roethlisberger, U American Institute of Physics 1980
1352 저널기사 Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation of liquid water: Comparison of three gradient-corrected density functionals 미리보기
Sprik, M American Institute of Physics 1980
1353 저널기사 Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation of methanol adsorbed in chabazite 미리보기
Sauer, J. Hutter, J. Haase, F. North Holland 1997
1354 저널기사 Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Collision between C~6~0^- and Alkali-Metal Ions: A Possibility of Li@ C~6~0 미리보기
Ohno, K American Physical Society 1980
1355 저널기사 Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations with a HOMO-LUMO gap biasing potential to accelerate rare reaction events/ 미리보기
Mosey, N. J North Holland 2003
1356 저널기사 Ab initio molecular dynamics studies on volume stability of Voronoi polyhedra under pressures in a metal glass 미리보기
Aoki, M. I American Institute of Physics 1980
1357 저널기사 Ab initio molecular dynamics study of polyfluoride anions 미리보기
Von Rosenvinge, T American Institute of Physics 1980
1358 저널기사 Ab initio molecular dynamics study of solid- to liquidlike transitions in Li^+~9, Li~1~0, and Li^+~1~1 clusters 미리보기
Bonacic-Koutecky, V American Institute of Physics 1980
1359 저널기사 Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Study of the Desorption of D~2 from Si(100) 미리보기
Gross, A American Physical Society 1980
1360 저널기사 Ab initio molecular dynamics study of the pressure-induced phase transformations in cristobalite (5 pages)/ 미리보기
Klug, D D 2001
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