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1421 저널기사 Ab initio replica-exchange Monte Carlo method for cluster studies/ 미리보기
Ishikawa, Yasuyuki 2001
1422 저널기사 Ab initio results for the adiabatic atom-surface inter- action for helium and neon on a simple metal 미리보기
Montalenti, F North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
1423 저널기사 Ab initio scaling of the second hyperpolarizabilities of carbon cages 미리보기
Fanti, M American Institute of Physics 1980
1424 저널기사 Ab initio SCF and DFT models of met-car adducts: Ti~8C^1^2(L)~n (L = Cl,NH~3, CO, C~6H~6; n = 4, 8) 미리보기
Rohmer, M.-M. Bo, C. Benard, M. Poblet, J.-M. North Holland 1996
1425 저널기사 Ab initio shell model with a genuine three-nucleon force for the p-shell nuclei (13 pages)/ 미리보기
Navratil, P Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2003
1426 저널기사 Ab initio simulation of first-order amorphous-to-amorphous phase transition of silicon (7 pages)/ 미리보기
Durandurdu, Murat 2001
1427 저널기사 Ab initio simulation of molecular Auger spectra: Nuclear dynamics effects in the spectra of carbonyl sulfide 미리보기
Minelli, D American Institute of Physics 1980
1428 저널기사 Ab initio Simulations of Homoepitaxial SiC Growth/ 미리보기
Righi, M. C American Physical Society 2003
1429 저널기사 Ab initio static polarizability and first hyperpolarizability of model polymethineimine chains. II. Effects of conformation and of substitution by donor/acceptor end groups 미리보기
Jacquemin, D American Institute of Physics 1980
1430 저널기사 Ab initio statistical thermodynamical models for the computation of third-law entropies 미리보기
East, A. L. L American Institute of Physics 1980
1431 저널기사 Ab initio structure determination of a peptide b-turn from powder X-ray diffraction data/ 미리보기
Tedesco Royal Society of Chemistry 2001
1432 저널기사 Ab initio structure determination of BiPb2VO6 from powder diffraction data/ 미리보기
Evans Royal Society of Chemistry 2001
1433 저널기사 Ab Initio Structure Determination of Li~2MnO~3 from X-ray Powder Diffraction Data 미리보기
Massarotti, V Munksgaard International Booksellers and Publishers 1980
1434 저널기사 Ab initio structure determination of polymorph II of sulphathiazole frompowder X-ray diffraction data 미리보기
Chan, F. C Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain 1980
1435 저널기사 Ab initio structure solution of a novel aluminium methylphosphonate fromlaboratory X-ray powder diffraction data 미리보기
Sawers, L.-J Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
1436 저널기사 Ab initio studies of AgHe exciplex 미리보기
Jakubek, Z. J North Holland 1997
1437 저널기사 Ab initio studies of magnetism in strongly correlated electron systems 미리보기
Kioussis, Nicholas North-Holland 2001
1438 저널기사 Ab Initio Studies of Proton Sponges. 3,4,5-Bis(dimethylamino)fluorene and 4,5-Bis(dimethylamino)phenanthrene 미리보기
Platts, J. A American Chemical Society [etc.] 1980
1439 저널기사 Ab initio studies of S chemisorption on GaAs(100) 미리보기
Jing, G.-P American Institute of Physics 1980
1440 저널기사 Ab initio studies of the oxidation of methane with oxo-metal cations 미리보기
Zahradnik, R. Roeselova, M. Nachtigallova, D. North Holland 1997
맨앞 이전 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 다음 맨뒤
