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1501 저널기사 Ab initio study of the Bi-covered GaAs(111)B surface (7 pages)/ 미리보기
Miwa, R H Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
1502 저널기사 Ab Initio study of the chloride nitrate anion 미리보기
Seeley, J. V American Institute of Physics 1980
1503 저널기사 Ab initio study of the decomposition of formaldehyde 미리보기
Yu, C.-H. Yu, J.-S. K. North Holland 1997
1504 저널기사 Ab initio study of the electronic spectrum of the PO~2 radical 미리보기
Hirsch, G. Cai, Z.-L. Buenker, R. J. North Holland 1996
1505 저널기사 Ab initio study of the energetics and thermodynamics of hydrogen abstraction from fluoromethanes by O(3P). II: CFnH4-n+O(3P)→CFnH4-n.O→&z.rad;CFnH3-n+&z.radOH (n=0,1,2)/ 미리보기
Kreye, W C North Holland 2001
1506 저널기사 Ab-initio study of the energetics and thermodynamics of the reaction CF~3H + O(^3P) > CF~3H 桁�O -> CF~3 + OH 미리보기
Kreye, W. C. North Holland 1996
1507 저널기사 Ab initio study of the energy hypersurface of uneven sulfuranes. Dissociation of HCl from Cl-SH (OH)-Cl 미리보기
Lops, M. Csizmadia, I. G. Csonka, G. I. Kucsman, A. North Holland 1994
1508 저널기사 Ab initio study of the ground and several excited states of the NLi system 미리보기
Matsika, S. Papakondylis, A. Mavridis, A. North Holland 1996
1509 저널기사 Ab initio study of the ground state and the first excited state of the rectangular (D2h)N4 molecule/ 미리보기
Bittererov�, Martina North Holland 2001
1510 저널기사 Ab initio study of the He(^1S)+CH(X^2� interaction 미리보기
Cybulski, S. M American Institute of Physics 1980
1511 저널기사 Ab initio study of the influence of conformation on partial charge distribution of dioctadecylamine/ 미리보기
Huetz, P North Holland 2003
1512 저널기사 Ab initio study of the initial growth mechanism of silicon nitride on Si( 100) -(2 X I) using NH3 (9 pages)/ 미리보기
Widjaja, Yuniarto Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
1513 저널기사 Ab initio study of the O~2(X ^3�-~g)+Ar(^1 S) van der Waals interaction 미리보기
Cybulski, S. M American Institute of Physics 1980
1514 저널기사 Ab initio study of the O~2(X ^3�-~g)+He(^1s) van der Waals cluster 미리보기
Cybulski, S. M American Institute of Physics 1980
1515 저널기사 Ab initio study of the photodissociation of HCO in the first absorption band: Three-dimensional wave packet calculations including the X^2A'-A^2A" Renner-Teller coupling 미리보기
Loettgers, A American Institute of Physics 1980
1516 저널기사 Ab initio study of the structural and electronic properties of the complex structures of RuO2/ 미리보기
Benyahia, K North-Holland 2003
1517 저널기사 Ab Initio Study of the Thio-Ene Reaction. 1. The Enophile Substituent Effect 미리보기
Bachrach, S. M American Chemical Society [etc.] 1980
1518 저널기사 Ab initio study of the X ^2�+ and A ^2cap pi states of the SiN radical 미리보기
Martin, J. M. L. Francois, J. P. Gijbels, R. Cai, Z.-L. North Holland 1996
1519 저널기사 Ab initio study of van der Waals interaction of CO~2 with Ar 미리보기
Marshall, P. J American Institute of Physics 1980
1520 저널기사 Ab initio study of water hexamer anions 미리보기
Lee, S. J. Lee, J. Y. Kim, J. Lee, S. North Holland 1996
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