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1521 저널기사 Ab initio study on Mo~2C~8 cluster 미리보기
Ge, M North Holland 1997
1522 저널기사 Ab initio study on the dissociation pathways of XSO~2 (X = Cl, F) radicals 미리보기
Li, Z. North Holland 1997
1523 저널기사 Ab initio study on the electronic structures of styrene at the conical intersection/ 미리보기
Amatatsu, Yoshiaki North Holland 2001
1524 저널기사 Ab initio study on the isomerization of 1-hexene to 2-hexene over the surface of aluminosilicate molecular sieves/ 미리보기
Pu, M. Sun, Y. H. Gong, Y. J.; Li, Z. H.; Wu, D.; Chapman and Hall 2003
1525 저널기사 Ab initio study on the low-lying excited states of retinal 미리보기
Merchan, M American Institute of Physics 1980
1526 저널기사 Ab initio study on the potential energy hypersurface of FC(O)O^+ 미리보기
Francisco, J. S. North Holland 1997
1527 저널기사 Ab initio study on the potential energy surface and geometric isomers of the HBr-N2O (1:1) cluster/ 미리보기
Okano, A North Holland 2001
1528 저널기사 Ab initio study on the reaction 2NH(X^3�-) -> NH~2(X^2B~1) + N(^4S) 미리보기
Fang, D.-C. Xu, Z.-F. Fu, X.-Y. North Holland 1997
1529 저널기사 Ab initio study on the structures of Th(IV) hydrate and its hydrolysis products in aqueous solution/ 미리보기
Tsushima, S North Holland 2003
1530 저널기사 Ab initio study on the thermochemistry of diphosphine (P~2H~4) and diphosphine radical cation (P~2H^+~4) 미리보기
Glukhovtsev, M. N. Bach, R. D. North Holland 1997
1531 저널기사 Ab initio theoretical and matrix isolation experimental studies of hydrogen bonding: evidence of a dramatic effect of the matrix on the structureand vibrational spectrum of HBr:3,5-dichloropyridine 미리보기
Del Bene, J. E North Holland 1997
1532 저널기사 Ab initio theoretical and matrix isolation experimental studies of hydrogen bonding: vibrational consequences of proton position in 1:1 complexesof HCl and 4-X-pyridines 미리보기
Szczepaniak, K. Del Bene, J. E. Person, W. B. North Holland 1995
1533 저널기사 Ab initio theoretical calculation and potential energy surface for ground-state HO3/ 미리보기
Yu, H G North Holland 2001
1534 저널기사 Ab initio theoretical description of the dependence of magnetocrystalline anisotropy on both compositional order and lattice distortion in transition metal alloys (11 pages)/ 미리보기
Razee, S S A Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
1535 저널기사 Ab initio theoretical investigation of the mechanism for �lactone formation from �halocarboxylates: leaving group, substituent, solvent and isotope effects 미리보기
Rodriquez, C. F Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
1536 저널기사 Ab Initio Theoretical Investigation on the Reactivity as Bases of Mixed LiMe/KOMe Complexes. A Model for Schlosser LICKOR Superbase 미리보기
Ghigo, G Pergamon Press 1980
1537 저널기사 Ab Initio Theoretical Studies on the Ring-Opening Modes of the Oxiranyl-, Aziridinyl-, Oxaziridinyl-, and Thiaranylmethyl Radical Systems 미리보기
Pasto, D. J American Chemical Society [etc.] 1980
1538 저널기사 Ab initio theoretical study of dipole-bound anions of molecular complexes: (HF)^-~3 and (HF)^-~4 anions 미리보기
Ramaekers, R American Institute of Physics 1980
1539 저널기사 Ab initio theoretical study of dipole-bound anions of molecular complexes. Water trimer anion 미리보기
Smith, D. M. A American Institute of Physics 1980
1540 저널기사 Ab initio theoretical study of metallo-dehydrogenation and nucleophilic addition of methyllithium and methylpotassium with crotonaldehyde dimethyl acetal 미리보기
Fossey, J Pergamon Press 1980
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