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1541 저널기사 Ab initio theoretical study of the methyl and phosphine torsion modes inethylphosphine 미리보기
Smeyers, Y. G American Institute of Physics 1980
1542 저널기사 Ab initio theories of electric transport in solid systems with reduced dimensions/ 미리보기
Weinberger, P North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
1543 저널기사 Ab Initio Theory of NMR Chemical Shifts in Solids and Liquids 미리보기
Mauri, F American Physical Society 1980
1544 저널기사 Ab initio thermodynamics of metals: Al and W (7 pages)/ 미리보기
Debernardi, A 2001
1545 저널기사 Ab initio total atomization energies of small molecules - towards the basis set limit 미리보기
Martin, J. M. L. North Holland 1996
1546 저널기사 Ab initio treatment of magnesium water cluster anions [Mg,nH~2O]^-, n<or=11/ 미리보기
Reinhard, B. M Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
1547 저널기사 Ab-initio X-ray powder diffraction structural characterization of coordination compounds: polymeric [{MX~2(bipy)}~n] complexes (M = Ni or Cu; X =Cl or Br; bipy = 4,4'-bipyridyl) 미리보기
Masciocchi, N Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
1548 저널기사 Ab initio zone-center phonons in LiTaO3: Comparison to LiNbO3 (6 pages)/ 미리보기
Caciuc, V Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
1549 저널기사 AB interface in rotating superfluid 3He: the first example of a superfluid shear-flow instability/ 미리보기
Blaauwgeers, R North-Holland 2003
1550 저널기사 Abiogenic nitrous oxide formation on aerosols 미리보기
Clemens, J Pergamon 1997
1551 저널기사 Abiotic and Biotic Degradation of Dithiopyr in Golf Course Greens 미리보기
Hong, S American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 1996
1552 저널기사 Abiotic hydrolysis of the detergent builder tripolyphosphate by hydrous manganese dioxide/ 미리보기
Inman, Matthew P Pergamon Press 2001
1553 저널기사 Abiotic Nitrate Reduction to Ammonium: Key Role of Green Rust 미리보기
Hansen, H. C. B American Chemical Society 1980
1554 저널기사 Abiotic Selenium Redox Transformations in the Presence of Fe(II,III) Oxides 미리보기
Myneni, S. C. B American Association for the Advancement of Science 1980
1555 저널기사 Abiotic transformation of catechol and 1-naphthol in aqueous solution-Influence of environmental factors/ 미리보기
Borraccino, R�mi Pergamon Press 2001
1556 저널기사 Abiotic Transformation of Perchloroethylene in Homogeneous Dithionite Solution and in Suspensions of Dithionite-Treated Clay Minerals/ 미리보기
Nzengung, Valentine A American Chemical Society 2001
1557 저널기사 Abject Relations: Everyday Worlds of Anorexia. By Megan Warin. Pp. 248. (Rutgers University Press, London, 2009.) US$23.95, ISBN 978-0-8135-4690-2, paperback; US$72.00, ISBN 978-0-8135-4689-6, hardback 미리보기
Eli, K. Published for the Galton Foundation by Blackwell Scientific Publications 2013
1558 저널기사 Ab jetzt gibt Spotify den Ton an 미리보기
1559 저널기사 Abjpnut this issue 미리보기
Derek H.T. Walker Emerald Group Publishing Limited
1560 저널기사 Abjpnut this issue 미리보기
Derek Walker Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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