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21 연속간행물 ABPI data sheet compendium 미리보기
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Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry Pharmind Pub 19--
22 단행본 Absent environments:theorising environmental law and the city 미리보기
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Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos Routledge-Cavendish 2007 URL
23 연속간행물 Absorption spectra in the infrared region 미리보기
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Lang, L Butterworths 1974-
24 연속간행물 Abstracting and indexing services directory 미리보기
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Schmittroth, John Gale Research Co. 1982-1983
25 연속간행물 Abstracts of research papers - American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Recreation 미리보기
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American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation 1975-1979
26 단행본 Abuse of dominant position:new interpretation, new enforcement mechanisms? 미리보기
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edited by Mark-Oliver Mackenrodt, Beatriz Conde Gallego and Stefan Enchelmaier Springer 2008
27 단행본 Abuse of process and judicial stays of criminal proceedings 미리보기
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Andrew L.-T. Choo Oxford University Press 2008
28 단행본 Academic freedom and the law:a comparative study 미리보기
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Eric Barendt Hart Pub. 2010
29 단행본 Academic legal writing:law review articles, student notes, seminar papers, and getting on law review 미리보기
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by Eugene Volokh ; with foreword by Alex Kozinski Foundation Press 2005
30 연속간행물 Academic medicine:journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 미리보기
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Association of American Medical Colleges The Association of American Medical Colleges 1989-
31 단행본 The academic mind:social scientists in a time of crisis 미리보기
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by Paul F. Lazarsfeld and Wagner Thielens, Jr., with a field report by David Riesman Free Press 1958
32 연속간행물 Academy of Management Journal 미리보기
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Academy of Management Academy of Management 1963-
33 연속간행물 Academy of Management learning & education 미리보기
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Academy of Management Academy of Management 2002-
34 연속간행물 The Academy of Management perspectives 미리보기
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Academy of Management Academy of Management 2006-
35 연속간행물 The Academy of Management review 미리보기
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Academy of Management Academy of Management 1976-
36 단행본 Access-right:the future of digital copyright law 미리보기
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Zohar Efroni Oxford University Press 2011
37 단행본 Access to asylum:international refugee law and the globalisation of migration control 미리보기
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Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen Cambridge University Press 2011 URL
38 단행본 Access to justice as a human right 미리보기
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edited by Francesco Francioni Oxford University Press 2007
39 단행본 Access to knowledge in India:new esearch on intellectual property, innovation & development 미리보기
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edited by Ramesh Subramanian, Lea Shaver Bloomsbury Academic 2011
40 단행본 Access to knowledge in the age of intellectual property 미리보기
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edited by Gae@lle Krikorian and Amy Kapczynski Zone Books 2010
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