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1361 단행본 The Australian judiciary 미리보기
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Enid Campbell, H.P. Lee Cambridge University Press 2001 URL
1362 단행본 The Australian judiciary 미리보기
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H. P. Lee, Enid Campbell Cambridge University Press 2013
1363 단행본 Australian medical law 미리보기
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John Devereux ; with contribution by Rachael Moore Routledge.Cavendish 2007
1364 연속간행물 Australian mineral industry annual review 미리보기
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Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics Australian Govt. Pub. Service 1976-1987
1365 연속간행물 Australian mineral industry quarterly 미리보기
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Australia Australian Bureau of Statistics Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics Australian Govt. Pub. Service 1977-1989
1366 연속간행물 The Australian mineral industry review 미리보기
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Australia Australia Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics Mineral Economics Section Australian Govt. Pub. Service for the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology, and Geophysics 1948-1975
1367 단행본 Australian principles of evidence 미리보기
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Jeremy Gans, Andrew Palmer Cavendish Pub. 2007 URL
1368 단행본 Australian principles of tort law 미리보기
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Pam Stewart, Anita Stuhmcke Cavendish 2005
1369 단행본 Australian public law 미리보기
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Alexander Reilly ... [et al.] Oxford University Press 2011 URL
1370 단행본 Australian sentencing:principles and practice 미리보기
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Richard Edney, Mirko Bagaric Cambridge University Press 2007 URL
1371 연속간행물 Australian studies 미리보기
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Australian Studies Institute at Chung-Ang University Australian Studies Institute at Chung-Ang University 1994-
1372 단행본 Austrian legal system £| laws 미리보기
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Nigel Foster Cavendish 2003
1373 단행본 Aust's modern treaty law and practice 미리보기
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Jeremy Hill Cambridge University Press 2023
1374 단행본 The authentic constitution:an originalist view of America's Legacy 미리보기
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Arthur Palumbo Algora Pub. 2009
1375 단행본 Authoritarian rule of law:legislation, discourse, and legitimacy in Singapore 미리보기
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Jothie Rajah Cambridge University Press 2012
1376 단행본 Authority, conflict, and the transmission of diversity in medieval Islamic law 미리보기
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by R. Kevin Jaques Brill 2006
1377 단행본 Authority, continuity, and change in Islamic law 미리보기
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Wael B. Hallaq Cambridge University Press 2005 URL
1378 단행본 The authority of law:essays on law and morality 미리보기
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by Joseph Raz Oxford University Press 2009
1379 연속간행물 Authors & artists for young adults 미리보기
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Gale Research 1989-
1380 단행본 Authors, copyright, and publishing in the digital era 미리보기
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Francina Cantatore, Bond University, Australia Information Science Reference 2014
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