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1401 단행본 A-Z handbook:law 미리보기
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Jacqueline Martin, Mary Gibbins Philip Allan Updates 2010
1402 단행본 An economic approach to Korean corporate structure and corporate law 미리보기
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Haksoo Ko Yonsei University Press 2007
1403 단행본 An economic approach to Korean corporate structure and corporate law 미리보기
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Haksoo Ko Yonsei University Press 2007
1404 단행본 An economic interpretation of the Constitution of the United States 미리보기
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by Charles A. Beard Lawbook Exchange 2011
1405 단행본 An economic perspective on trade mark law 미리보기
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Andrew Griffiths Edward Elgar 2011
1406 단행본 An elementary treatise on the common law, for the use of students 미리보기
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by Henry T. Terry Maruzen-Kabushiki-Kaisha ; Scribner 1911
1407 단행본 An enquiry into the law merchant of the United States, or, Lex Mercatoria Americana, on several heads of commercial importance:in two volumes.Vol.I 미리보기
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George Caines Printed by Isaac Collins & Son 1802
1408 단행본 An entrenched legacy:how the New Deal constitutional revolution continues to shape the role of the Supreme Court 미리보기
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Patrick M. Garry The Pennsylvania State University Press 2008 URL
1409 단행본 An essay on the early history of the law merchant 미리보기
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W. Mitchell Cambridge University Press 2011
1410 단행본 An estate planner's guide to buy-sell agreements for the closely held business 미리보기
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Louis A. Mezzullo Section of Real Property, Probate, and Trust Law, American Bar Association 2007 URL
1411 단행본 An EU-wide letter of rights:towards best practice 미리보기
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Taru Spronken ; [with the assistance of: Liesbeth Baetens, Anna Berlee] Intersentia 2010 URL
1412 단행본 An evaluative analysis of Korean legislative development in relation with economic growth:consumer protection law 미리보기
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Korea Legislation Research Institute 한국법제연구원 2012
1413 단행본 An evaluative analysis of Korean legislative development in relation with economic growth:formation of social infrastructure 미리보기
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[by Korea Legislation Research Institute] ; researcher, Jin Yinhuan Korea Legislation Research Institute 2012
1414 단행본 An experiential approach to organization development 미리보기
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Donald F. Harvey, Donald R. Brown Prentice-Hall 1982
1415 단행본 An illustrated guide to civil procedure 미리보기
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Michael Allen, Michael Finch Aspen Publishers 2006
1416 단행본 An illustrated guide to civil procedure 미리보기
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Michael P. Allen, Michael Finch Aspen Publishers 2011
1417 단행본 An injury law constitution 미리보기
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Marshall S. Shapo Oxford University Press 2012
1418 단행본 An insider's guide to the UN 미리보기
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Linda Fasulo Yale University Press 2009
1419 단행본 An institutional and normative analysis of the World Trade Organization 미리보기
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by Mary E. Footer Nijhoff 2006
1420 단행본 An institutional approach to the responsibility to protect 미리보기
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edited by Gentian Zyberi ; assistant editor Kevin T. Mason Cambridge University Press 2013
맨앞 이전 71 72 73 74 75 
