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1461 단행본 An introduction to political philosophy 미리보기
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Colin Bird Cambridge University Press 2006
1462 단행본 An Introduction to social psychology 미리보기
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Henry Clay Lindgren Wiley 1969
1463 단행본 An introduction to space law 미리보기
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I.H. Ph. Diederiks-Verschoor, V. Kopal Kluwer Law International ; Sold and distributed in North, Central and South America by Aspen Publishers 2008
1464 단행본 An introduction to the American legal system 미리보기
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John M. Scheb, John M. Scheb II West/Thomson Learning 2002
1465 단행본 An introduction to the American legal system 미리보기
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Kim, Y. Peter Dong-A University Press 2012
1466 단행본 An introduction to the comparative study of private law:readings, cases, materials 미리보기
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James Gordley, Arthur Taylor von Mehren Cambridge University Press 2009 URL
1467 단행본 An introduction to the English legal system 미리보기
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Martin Partington Oxford University Press 2006
1468 단행본 An introduction to the English legal system 미리보기
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Martin Partington Oxford University Press 2008
1469 단행본 An introduction to the history and records of the Courts of Wards and Liveries 미리보기
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by H. E. Bell Cambridge University Press 2011
1470 단행본 An introduction to the history of the land law 미리보기
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by A.W.B. Simpson Oxford University Press 1961
1471 단행본 An introduction to the International Criminal Court 미리보기
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William A. Schabas Cambridge University Press 2007
1472 단행본 An introduction to the International Criminal Court 미리보기
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William A. Schabas Cambridge University Press 2005
1473 단행본 An introduction to the International Criminal Court 미리보기
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William A. Schabas Cambridge University Press 2011
1474 단행본 An introduction to the international law of armed conflicts 미리보기
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Robert Kolb and Richard Hyde Hart Pub. 2008
1475 단행본 An introduction to the law of business organizations:cases, notes and questions 미리보기
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by Stephen B. Presser Thomson/West 2005
1476 단행본 An introduction to the law of contract 미리보기
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by P.S. Atiyah Clarendon Press ; Oxford University Press 1989
1477 단행본 An introduction to the law of contract 미리보기
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by P.S. Atiyah Clarendon Press ; Oxford University Press 1981
1478 단행본 An introduction to the law of international criminal tribunals:a comparative study 미리보기
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Geert-Jan Alexander Knoops Transnational Publishers 2003
1479 단행본 An introduction to the law of the United Nations 미리보기
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Robert Kolb ; translated by Katherine Del Mar Hart Pub. 2010
1480 단행본 An introduction to the law of trusts 미리보기
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Simon Gardner Oxford University Press 2003
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