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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Administration of Medical Services as Part of a Health Department Program / 미리보기
Seckinger, Daniel L 1941
2 저널기사 Adolescence and Public Health / 미리보기
Frank Lawrence K 1941
3 연속간행물 Advances in enzymology and related subjects 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출가능 열기
Interscience Publishers 1941-
4 저널기사 Analysis of the Present Qualifications of Public Health Nurses in the United States / 미리보기
Mclver, Pearl American Public Health Association 1941
5 저널기사 An Institunional Outbreak of Poliomyelitis / 미리보기
Silverman, A. Clement 1941
6 저널기사 An Outbreak of Endemic Typhus Fever in Nashville, Tennessee : 미리보기
Tucker, C. B 1941
7 저널기사 Antirabic Vaccination 미리보기
Webster, Leslie T American Public Health Association 1941
8 저널기사 Application of Epidemiological Method to a Stydy of the Distribution of Medical Care / 미리보기
Bouke, John J American Public Health Association 1941
9 저널기사 Appraisal of Nutritional Status : 미리보기
Boudreau, Frank G 1941
10 저널기사 Appraising Public Medical Services / 미리보기
Reed, Louis S 1941
11 저널기사 Appreciations of the Editor Emeritus / 미리보기
Wilson, Robert 1941
12 저널기사 Association News 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1941
13 저널기사 Association News 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1941
14 저널기사 Association News 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1941
15 저널기사 Association News 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1941
16 저널기사 Association News 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1941
17 저널기사 Association News 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1941
18 저널기사 Association News 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1941
19 저널기사 Association News 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1941
20 저널기사 Association News 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1941
