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검색어[가나다ABC : ]
370건 중 370건 출력
10/19 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
1981 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
181 저널기사 AM Reprint Service Center 미리보기
McGraw-Hill 1981
182 저널기사 AM Reprint Service Center 미리보기
McGraw-Hill 1981
183 저널기사 AM Reprint Service Center 미리보기
McGraw-Hill 1981
184 저널기사 AM Reprint Service Center 미리보기
McGraw-Hill 1981
185 저널기사 AM Reprint Service Center 미리보기
McGraw-Hill 1981
186 저널기사 AM Reprint Service Center 미리보기
McGraw-Hill 1981
187 저널기사 Analgesic effects of branding in treatment of headaches 미리보기
BRANTHWAITE,A British Medical Association 1981
188 저널기사 (An) alternative approach to the language major 미리보기
Palmer, Benjamin W 忠南大學校 語學硏究所 1981 원문
189 저널기사 An anachronistic treatment for asthma 미리보기
DEARLOVE,J British Medical Association 1981
190 저널기사 An Analysis of the External Audit Fee 미리보기
Taylor, Martin E.;Baker, Robert L. Institute of Chartered Accountants 1981
191 저널기사 (An) analysis of the problems in the teaching of English at Korean junior high schools / 미리보기
권오량 忠南大學校 語學硏究所 1981 원문
192 저널기사 An analysis on the mechanism responsible for genesis of deformation of expiratory-gas-concentration curves in chickens / 미리보기
Itabisashi, T National Institute of Animal Health 1981
193 저널기사 Anaphylactic reaction to law-molecular-weight porcine factor VIII concentrates 미리보기
ERSKINE, J.G British Medical Association 1981
194 저널기사 An Application of the Theory of Representations 미리보기
BOLOGNESI, M Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1981
195 저널기사 An Application of the Theory of Representations to the Estimation of the One-Phase Seminvariants of First Rank / 미리보기
BURLA, M. C Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1981
196 저널기사 An Approcah to the Therapeutic Evaluation of Prison Inmates / 미리보기
Feinberg, Rhoda Charles B. Slack, etc.] 1981
197 저널기사 and How and Where to Use Them / 미리보기
Carter 1981
198 저널기사 Androgens, oestrogens, and coronary heart disease 미리보기
HELLER, R.F British Medical Association 1981
199 저널기사 An Electronic Driver Education simulator / 미리보기
Spence 1981
200 저널기사 An Empirical Evaluation of Repeatable Testing as a Technique for Improving Management Education 미리보기
Parke, E. Lauck;Schermerhorn Jr., John R.;Shirland, Larry ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1981
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