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370건 중 370건 출력
11/19 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
1981 삭제


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검색리스트 테이블
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
201 저널기사 An empirical investigation of job stress, social support, service length, and job strain 미리보기
Gary Blau Academic Press 1981
202 저널기사 An evaluation of flexible fibreoptic sigmoidoscopy 미리보기
VELLACOTT,K.D British Medical Association 1981
203 저널기사 An evaluation of home visiting of patients by physcians in geriatric medicine 미리보기
ARCAND,MARCEL British Medical Association 1981
204 저널기사 An evaluation of the functions of the short-stay observation ward in the accident and emergency department/ 미리보기
DALLOS, VERA British Medical Association 1981
205 저널기사 An evaluation of valence models of motivation to pursue various post high school alternatives 미리보기
Neal Schmitt; Loraine Son Academic Press 1981
206 저널기사 An Examination of Professional Commitment in Public Accounting 미리보기
Aranya, N;Pollock, J.;Amernic, J. Pergamon Press 1981
207 저널기사 An examination of the anticipated-satisfaction importance valence controversy 미리보기
Anthony Pecotich; Gilbert A. Churchill Academic Press 1981
208 저널기사 An Examination of the Central Life Interest Scale 미리보기
Maurer, John G.;Vredenburhg, Donald J.;Smith, Richard L. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1981
209 저널기사 An Examination of the Organizational Antcecdents of Stressors at Work 미리보기
Parasuraman, Saroj;Alutto, Joseph A. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1981
210 저널기사 An Exploratory Field Study of The Relationships between The Controller's Department and Overall Organizational Characteristics 미리보기
Rosenzweig, K. Pergamon Press 1981
211 저널기사 Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy after infections mononucleosis 미리보기
SEIGNEURIN,J.M British Medical Association 1981
212 저널기사 Angiosarcoma of the liver: A growing problem? 미리보기
British Medical Association 1981
213 저널기사 Anilino-2 Me>thyl-4 N-Me>thyl-anilino-5 Thiazole-1,3 et Anilino-2 N-Me>thyl-anilino-5 Phe>nyl-4 Thiazole-1,3 (Deux De>rive>s du Thiazole-1,3)/ 미리보기
DECLERCQ,J.P Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1981
214 저널기사 An Introduction to Steam Technology / 미리보기
Cassetto 1981
215 저널기사 An investigation into the management of bilateral leg amputees 미리보기
DE VEN,CATHERINE M.C.VAN British Medical Association 1981
216 저널기사 An investigation of reciprocity and reinforcement theories of bargaining behavior 미리보기
James A. Wall Academic Press 1981
217 저널기사 Anisotropies diamagnetiques Moleculaires Experimentales des Composes Aromatiques Condenses / 미리보기
VAN DEN BOSSCHE, G Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1981
218 저널기사 Annual Feature : Shop teachers Service 미리보기
Educational Press Association of America 1981
219 저널기사 Annual General Meeting 미리보기
British Medical Association 1981
220 연속간행물 Annual review of nutrition 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출가능 열기
Darby, William J Broquist, Harry P Olson, Robert E. Annual Reviews Inc. 1981-
맨앞 이전 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 
