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370건 중 370건 출력
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1981 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
141 저널기사 Agenda of Annual Representative Meetings 미리보기
British Medical Association 1981
142 단행본 Agricultural law:principles and cases 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Donald L. Uchtmann ... [et al.] McGraw-Hill 1981
143 저널기사 AHMED (ed.), "Caste and Social Stratification Among Muslims in India" (Book Review) 미리보기
NEUMAN, DANIEL M. Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1981
144 저널기사 AIAA-Pittsburgh '81 미리보기
Educational Press Association of America 1981
145 저널기사 Ain't necessarity so 미리보기
HOLLAND, RUTH British Medical Association 1981
146 단행본 Aktienrecht und das Recht der verbundenen Unternehmen:eine systematische Darstellung 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
von Hans Wu@rdinger Mu@ller 1981
147 저널기사 Alarm Bells in the West 미리보기
Lewis, Flora Council on Foreign Relations 1981
148 저널기사 Alcohol abuse 미리보기
British Medical Association 1981
149 저널기사 Alcohol and Alcoholism : Alcohol and work : a promising approach 미리보기
SMITH,RICHARD British Medical Association 1981
150 저널기사 Alcohol and Alcoholism : Alcohol,women,and the young : the same old problem? 미리보기
SMITH,RICHARD British Medical Association 1981
151 저널기사 Alcohol and Alcoholism:Overture to the alcohol debate 미리보기
SMITH,RICHARD British Medical Association 1981
152 저널기사 Alcohol and Alcoholism:Preventing alcohol problems:a job for Canute? 미리보기
SMITH,RICHARD British Medical Association 1981
153 저널기사 Alcohol and Alcoholism : The habitual drunken offender : everydbody's fool,nobody's friend/ 미리보기
SMITH,RICHARD British Medical Association 1981
154 저널기사 Alcohol and Alcoholism : The relation between consumption and damage 미리보기
SMITH,RICHARD British Medical Association 1981
155 저널기사 Alcohol and Alcoholism : Treating alcohol problems : making ends meet 미리보기
SMITH,RICHARD British Medical Association 1981
156 저널기사 Alcoholism: time for action 미리보기
British Medical Association 1981
157 저널기사 Alcohol 醱酵乳飮料의 製造에 관한 硏究 = 미리보기
김종우 忠南大學校 農業技術硏究所 1981
158 저널기사 Alcolholic heart disease 미리보기
PORTAL,R.W British Medical Association 1981
159 저널기사 Algorithmic method for assessing urinary incontinence in elderly women 미리보기
HILTON, P British Medical Association 1981
160 저널기사 "All for health and health for all": a study of basic health care in Peru 미리보기
MANSFIELD, DAVID British Medical Association 1981
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