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1982 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
221 저널기사 Anaerobic balanoposthitis 미리보기
CREE,G.EWART British Medical Association 1982
222 연속간행물 Anaesthesia 미리보기
의학도서관 대출불가(자료실) 열기
Kaufman, Leon Churchill Livingstone 1982-1989
223 저널기사 Analgesia after herniotomy in a paediatric day unit 미리보기
SMITH,BARRY A British Medical Association 1982
224 저널기사 An Alternative Approach to the Quantitative Determination of Grain Size Distribution in X-ray Diffraction./ 미리보기
ZHAO, L. -H Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1982
225 저널기사 Analysis of Structural Distortions in Non-Stoichiometric Ternary Platinum Oxides 미리보기
SCHWARTZ,K.B Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1982
226 저널기사 Analysis of the Doffuse X-ray scattering from Substitutionally Disordered Molecular Crystals: Monoclinic 9-Bromo-10-methylanthracene/ 미리보기
EPSTEIN, JOEL Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1982
227 저널기사 Analysis of trends in cancer mortality in Engand and Wales during 1951-80 separating changes associated with period of birth and period of death/ 미리보기
OSMOND,C British Medical Association 1982
228 저널기사 An Analysis of Communication Patterns 미리보기
Watson, Kathleen M. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1982
229 저널기사 Anaphylactoid reactions due to haemodialysis,haemofiltration,or membrane plasma separation/ 미리보기
NICHOLLS,A.J British Medical Association 1982
230 저널기사 An Approximate Method for the Allocation of Recoprocal Service Costs 미리보기
French, D.P.;Russell, A. H. Institute of Chartered Accountants 1982
231 저널기사 Anatomy of a Bragg Reflexion and an Improved Prescription for Integrated Intensity / 미리보기
Mathieson, A. McL Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1982
232 저널기사 Andrew Marvell과 詩의 論理性 미리보기
유재익 충남대학교 문과대학 영어영문학과 1982
233 저널기사 An Early Pricing Model Regarding the Value of a Cat 미리보기
Rorke, C. H. Pergamon Press 1982
234 저널기사 An easy to use A4 age/sex filing system 미리보기
HOSIE, GILLIAN A.C British Medical Association 1982
235 저널기사 An Eight-Membered Ring Containing Two Phosphorus Atoms.trans Isomer of 2,6-Dimethyl-1,3-dioxa-2,6-diphosphacyclooctane 2,6-Disulphide/ 미리보기
PICCINNI-LEOPARDI,C Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1982
236 저널기사 An Electron Diffraction Study of the Structures of Sulphur Hexafluoride below 94 K/ 미리보기
RAYNERD,G Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1982
237 저널기사 An Evaluation of Environmental Disclosures Made in Corporate Annual Reports 미리보기
Wiseman, J. Pergamon Press 1982
238 저널기사 An evaluation of three experimental methods of kinesthetic judgement / 미리보기
239 저널기사 An EXPO In Print 미리보기
Cummins Pub. Co., etc.] 1982
240 저널기사 Anharmonic Thermal Vibration and Atomic Potertials in Lead Fluoride (β-Pbf2)as a Function of Temperature./ 미리보기
SCHULZ, HEINZ Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1982
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