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429건 중 429건 출력
20/22 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
1982 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
381 저널기사 Atenolol and metoprolol once daily in hypertension 미리보기
SCOTT,A.K British Medical Association 1982
382 저널기사 Atenolol:side effects in a newborn infant 미리보기
WOODS, D.L British Medical Association 1982
383 저널기사 Atom bombs and genetic damage 미리보기
BERRY,R.J British Medical Association 1982
384 저널기사 Atomic Positions of Three new Polytypes of CdI2 미리보기
CHADHA,G.K Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1982
385 저널기사 Atopy predisposing to acute bronchiolitis during an epidemic of respiratory syncytial virus/ 미리보기
LAING,I British Medical Association 1982
386 저널기사 Attempted immune stimulation in the "gay compromise syndrome" 미리보기
OSWALD, GEORGE A British Medical Association 1982
387 저널기사 Attendance for antenatal care 미리보기
LEWIS,ELIZABETH British Medical Association 1982
388 저널기사 Attrition reactor에서의 힘의 소모량 측정에 관한 연구 = 미리보기
유승곤 忠南大學校 工業敎育硏究所 1982
389 저널기사 AUDIOVISUAL 미리보기
Cummins Pub. Co., etc.] 1982
390 저널기사 AUDIOVISUAL 미리보기
Cummins Pub. Co., etc.] 1982
391 저널기사 AUDIOVISUAL 미리보기
Cummins Pub. Co., etc.] 1982
392 저널기사 AUDIOVISUAL 미리보기
Cummins Pub. Co., etc.] 1982
393 저널기사 Auditing practice organisation 미리보기
CAVENAGH, A.J.M British Medical Association 1982
394 저널기사 Auditing the NHS 미리보기
KLEIN, RUDOLF British Medical Association 1982
395 저널기사 Audit of computerised recall scheme for cervical cytology 미리보기
REYNOLDS,MAUREEN T British Medical Association 1982
396 저널기사 Auditors' Liability to Third Parties for Negligence 미리보기
Davidson, Alan G. Institute of Chartered Accountants 1982
397 저널기사 Auditors' Prior Probability Distributions for Account Balances 미리보기
Solomon, I.;Krogstad, J. L.;Romney, M. B. Pergamon Press 1982
398 저널기사 Auditory screening of school children: fact or fallacy? 미리보기
NIETUPSKA,OLGA British Medical Association 1982
399 저널기사 Augmented home nursing as an alternative to hospital care for chronic elderly invaldis/ 미리보기
GIBBINS,F.J British Medical Association 1982
400 저널기사 Auscultatory percussion of the head 미리보기
GUARINO,JOHN R British Medical Association 1982
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