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1984 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Acquired arteriovenous communication:complication of cannulation of internal jugular vein / 미리보기
HAYWARD, R British Medical Association 1984
62 저널기사 Acquired esophageal dilataion accompanied by low cholinesterase values : a case report / 미리보기
Gabbert, N.H Veterinary Medicine Pub. Co 1984
63 저널기사 Acquired platelet dysfunction with eosinophilia 미리보기
MUTHLAH,M M British Medical Association 1984
64 저널기사 Acquired resistance to cancer chemotheraphy 미리보기
SELBY, PETER British Medical Association 1984
65 저널기사 ACRYLONITRILE approved uses being reviewed by FDA 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1984
66 저널기사 ACRYLONITRILE beverage bottle approved under Food Additive Order 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1984
67 저널기사 ACRYLONITRILE bottle clearance based on constituents policy 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1984
68 저널기사 ACRYLONITRILE, vinyl chloride, styrene, phthalate limited use urged by FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1984
69 연속간행물 Acta radiologica,Oncology 미리보기
의학도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
Societies of Medical Radiology in Denmark 1984-1986
70 저널기사 Actiology of pressure sores in patients with spinal cord injury 미리보기
THIYAGARAJAN,C British Medical Association 1984
71 저널기사 Action of drugs on movements of the rat during swimming / 미리보기
Singh, H 1984
72 저널기사 Active and passive smoking in married couples:results of 25year follow up 미리보기
ZANDENBROUCKE, J.P British Medical Association 1984
73 저널기사 Activity after myocardial infarction 미리보기
CARSON, PETER British Medical Association 1984
74 저널기사 Acute brain stem stroke during neck manipulation 미리보기
DANESHMEND, TAWFIQUE British Medical Association 1984
75 저널기사 Acute cholecystitis and thiazides 미리보기
LINDEN,WILLEM VAN DER British Medical Association 1984
76 저널기사 Acute obstructive hydrocephalus after subarachnoid haemorrhage 미리보기
KOHI, Y.M British Medical Association 1984
77 저널기사 Acute renal failure due to rhabdomyolysis associated with use of a straitjacket in lysergide intoxication/ 미리보기
MERCIECA, JANE British Medical Association 1984
78 저널기사 Acute respiratoryinsufficiency after endoscopy for bleeding oesophageal varices 미리보기
CRAWFORD, D.C British Medical Association 1984
79 저널기사 Acute self limited colitis 미리보기
HOLDSWORTH,C D British Medical Association 1984
80 저널기사 Acute stridor in the preschool child 미리보기
MILNER, A.D British Medical Association 1984
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