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1987 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 연속간행물 Acta oncologica 미리보기
의학도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
European Organization for Research on Treatment of Cancer Education Branch Acta Oncologica 1987-
22 연속간행물 Acta radiologica 미리보기
의학도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
Acta Radiological 1987-
23 저널기사 ACTION LEVEL exceptions revocation to be proposed by FDA 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1987
24 저널기사 ACTION LEVEL notice-and-comment re-hearing denied by Court 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1987
25 저널기사 ACTION LEVELS notice-and-comment procedure mandated by Court. 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1987
26 저널기사 ACUS adopts recommendations on implementation of user fees 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1987
27 저널기사 AD claiming additive use by competitor to be modified 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1987
28 저널기사 ADDED WATER food limits enforcements sought by British group 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1987
29 저널기사 ADDED WATER label disclosure prominence policy issued by FSIS 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1987
30 저널기사 Adding Computer-Aided Design to High School Drafting / 미리보기
Sweet Educational Press Association of America 1987
31 저널기사 ADDITIVE APPROVAL process changes urged at aspartame hearing 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1987
32 저널기사 ADDITIVE declarations by number opposed by FDA 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1987
33 저널기사 Additives with a missing 'R' 미리보기
Miller Pub. Co.] 1987
34 저널기사 ADHESIVES component cleared under constituents policy 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1987
35 저널기사 ADHESIVES component OKed ; antioxidant for polymers petitioned. 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1987
36 저널기사 ADHESIVES Public Master File for use in quail feed announced. 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1987
37 저널기사 ADHESIVES use of poly(etyloxazoline) cleared under Order. 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1987
38 단행본 The administration of justice 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Paul B. Weston, Kenneth M. Wells Prentice-Hall 1987
39 단행본 Administrative law:cases and comments 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
by Walter Gellhorn ... [et al.] Foundation Press 1987
40 저널기사 ADULT CHOLESTEROL expert report approved by federal panel 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1987
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