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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Abschluß eines Organschaftsvertrags durch eine Vorgründungsgesellschaft 미리보기
Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH 1990
2 저널기사 Abschluß eines Organschaftsvertrags durch eine Vorgründungsgesellschaft 미리보기
Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH 1990
3 저널기사 Abschreibung: Antiquarische Sammlung? 미리보기
Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH 1990
4 저널기사 Absorptive capacity: A new perspective on learning and innovation 미리보기
Cohen, Wesley M Graduate School of Business and Public Administration, Cornell University 1990
5 저널기사 Abzug von Kinderbetreuungskosten 미리보기
Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH 1990
6 저널기사 Academe and the goose that lays its golden egg 미리보기
Udell, Gerald G Indiana University Graduate School of Business [etc.] 1990
7 저널기사 Access to capital and its impact on agrarian structure and productivity in Kenya 미리보기
Carter, Michael R American Agricultural Economics Association 1990
8 저널기사 Accounting Changes And Earnings Predictability 미리보기
Elliott John A;Philbrick Donna R; unknown 1990
9 저널기사 Accounting changes and earnings predictability 미리보기
Elliott, John A American Accounting Association 1990
10 저널기사 Accounting disclosures and the market's valuation of oil and gas properties: Evaluation of market 미리보기
Harris, Trevor S American Accounting Association 1990
11 저널기사 Accounting Disclosures And The Market'S Valuation Of Oil And Gas Properties : Evaluation Of Market Efficiency And Functional Fixation 미리보기
Harris Trevor S;Ohlson James A ; unknown 1990
12 저널기사 Accounting for futures contracts and the effect on earnings variability 미리보기
Francis, Jennifer American Accounting Association 1990
13 저널기사 Accounting For Futures Contracts And The Effort On Earnings Variability 미리보기
Francis Jennifer ;; unknown 1990
14 저널기사 Accounting procedures, market data, cash-flow figures, and insolvency classification: The case of 미리보기
BarNiv, Ran American Accounting Association 1990
15 저널기사 Accounting Procedures, Market Data, Cash-Flow Figures, And Insolvency Classification : The Case Of The Insurance Industry 미리보기
Barniv Ran;; unknown 1990
16 저널기사 Accounting systems, participation in budgeting, and performance evaluation 미리보기
Penno, Mark American Accounting Association 1990
17 저널기사 Accounting Systems, Participation In Budgeting, And Performance Evaluation 미리보기
Penno Mark ;; unknown 1990
18 저널기사 Acquisition Accounting Method And Bid Premia For Target Firms 미리보기
Robinson John R;Shane Philip B; unknown 1990
19 저널기사 Acquisition accounting method and bid premia for target firms 미리보기
Robinson, John R American Accounting Association 1990
20 연속간행물 Acta metallurgica et materialia. 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
ASM International American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers Pergamon Press 1990-1995
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