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검색어[가나다ABC : ]
151건 중 151건 출력
1/8 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
1991 삭제


열거형 테이블형
검색리스트 테이블
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Abdominal Pain: 미리보기
Robert M. Goldwyn, M.D.;Donald C. Harrison, M.D. Beck 1991
2 저널기사 About myself / 미리보기
Taylor, R.E 1991
3 저널기사 About the structure and dynamics of proteins(a review)/ 미리보기
Volkenstein, M.V 1991
4 저널기사 Accepting the truth about equal employment opportunity: Introducing the EEO philosophy index 미리보기
Silverman, Buddy Pompie Ro Indiana University Graduate School of Business [etc.] 1991
5 저널기사 Accessibility for water molecules and relative stability of A-DNA and B-DNA molecules / 미리보기
Nauchitel, V.V Nauka 1991
6 저널기사 Accuracy of Roentgen Diagnosis in Carcinoma of the Stomach 미리보기
John R. Amberg, M.D. Beck 1991
7 저널기사 Acetate formation from hydrogen and carbon dioxide by a thermophilic homoacetic bacterium Acetogenium kivui / 미리보기
Pusheva, M.A s.n.] 1991
8 저널기사 Acidic copper-containing protein - the intermediate stage of electron transfer from cytochrome b-561 and dopamineβ-monooxygenase / 미리보기
Ohanesyan, L.L Nauka 1991
9 저널기사 AC Interface Circuit Uses Optic Devices for Practical Computer Applications / 미리보기
Stockman Prakken Publications 1991
10 저널기사 Acoustoelectronic instability in piezosemiconductors / 미리보기
Rysakov, V.M 1991
11 저널기사 Actinomycetes containing diaminobutyric acid in the cell wall isolsted from soil 미리보기
Evtushenko, L.I s.n.] 1991
12 저널기사 Activities on public acceptance of pesticide safety 미리보기
Japan plant protection Association 1991
13 저널기사 Activity report for The Accounting Review for the period June 1989-June 1990 미리보기
Abdel-khalik, A. Rashad American Accounting Association 1991
14 저널기사 Adaptation of the Baikal Lake bacterial planton to some organic compounds / 미리보기
Shtevneva,T.I s.n.] 1991
15 저널기사 Adapting Your Technological Base 미리보기
Adler, Paul S.;Shenhar, Aaron Industrial Management Review Association at the Alfred P. Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1991
16 저널기사 Advanced Immunochemistry / 미리보기
Dey, E.D 1991
17 연속간행물 Advances in biosensors:a research annual 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출가능 열기
Anthony P. F. Turner JAI Press 1991
18 연속간행물 Advances in electron transfer chemistry 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출가능 열기
JAI Press 1991-
19 저널기사 Advances in Gene Technology : the Molecular Biology of Immune Deseases and the Immune Response.1990.V.10 미리보기
Nauka 1991
20 연속간행물 Advances in information storage systems 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출가능 열기
Bhushan, Bharat Ono, Kyosuke World Scientific 1991-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
