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1991 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
141 저널기사 The activity of lucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and acids content in Escherichia coli at various growth rates / 미리보기
Krolichenko, T.P s.n.] 1991
142 저널기사 The age demanded: The rhetoric of Karl Polanyi 미리보기
Lewis, Margaret Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1991
143 저널기사 The Amalgamation of Foreign Affairs and Trade 미리보기
unknown Dept. of Foreign Affairs and Trade 1991
144 저널기사 The American Association for Labor Legislation: An episode in institutionalist policy analysis 미리보기
Chasse, John Dennis Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1991
145 저널기사 The amplification by single-sided polymerase chain reaction, cloning and sequencing of 5'-untranslated regions of somatogenic growth hormone receptor cDNA from rat liver / 미리보기
Pekhletsky, R.I Nauka 1991
146 저널기사 The analysis of genosystemstic position of freshwater aerobic bacteria containing bacteriochlorophylla / 미리보기
Yurkov, V.V s.n.] 1991
147 저널기사 The application and economic interpretation of selectivity models 미리보기
Huang, Chung L American Agricultural Economics Association 1991
148 저널기사 The application pf gas chromatography to determining the rate of bacterial methanogencsis / 미리보기
Ivanovskaya, I.B s.n.] 1991
149 저널기사 The Asian-Pacific Rim: Success at a Price 미리보기
Gordon, Bernard K. Council on Foreign Relations 1991
150 저널기사 The assignment of sea urchins strongylocentrotus echinoides and S.sachalinicus to S.pallidus, inferred from comparison of their genomes / 미리보기
Tatarenko, D. E Nauka 1991
151 저널기사 The Attack 미리보기
Joint Congressional Committee Council on Foreign Relations 1991
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