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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
201 저널기사 AVA Convention Preview : 미리보기
Tornatore, Vincent M 1992
202 저널기사 Avian leucocyte common antigens : molecular weight determination and flow cytometric analysis using new monoclonal antibodies/ 미리보기
정경수 忠南大學校 附設 生物工學硏究所 1992
203 저널기사 Axial pen pressure during handwriting movements in conditions with and without vision / 미리보기
Van Doorn, R.R.A Teviot Scientific 1992
204 저널기사 The acetogenic bacteria from the oil fields in Tataria and Western Siberia / 미리보기
Davydova-Charakhchyan, I.A s.n.] 1992
205 저널기사 The activities of free and immibillized Azotobacter vinelandii cells degrading ethyleneglycol / 미리보기
Mogilevich, N.F s.n.] 1992
206 저널기사 The Amazing But True Story of the Guild's Early Years : 미리보기
The Guild 1992
207 저널기사 The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 미리보기
Kohl, John P.;Greenlaw, Paul S. Industrial Management Review Association at the Alfred P. Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1992
208 저널기사 The anaerobic cellulose degradation in the Sivash lake and hypersaline lagooons of the Arabatskaya spit / 미리보기
Siman'kova, M.V s.n.] 1992
209 저널기사 The analysis of protein three dimensional structures in terms of residue-residue contact matrices : 미리보기
Rodionov, M.A Nauka 1992
210 저널기사 The analysis of protein three dimensional structures in terms of residue-residue contact matrices : 미리보기
Rodionov, M.A Nauka 1992
211 저널기사 The Analytical Derivation and Empirical Test of a Tax-Adjusted Fundamental Value Model 미리보기
212 저널기사 The analytic hierarchy process based expert analysis of strategies and critical success factors of forest industries in Finland 미리보기
Tuominen, M. Elsevier 1992
213 저널기사 The Antebellum American Tariff: Food Exports and Manufacturing 미리보기
HARLEY, C. KNICK Academic Press 1992
214 저널기사 (The) Antibacterial component From cinnamomi cortex against a cariogenic bacterium streptococcus mutans OMZ 176 / 미리보기
배기환 忠南大學校 藥學大學 醫藥品開發硏究所 1992
215 저널기사 The appraisal of industrial investments: A new method and a case study 미리보기
Gallo, P.;Peccati, L. Elsevier 1992
216 저널기사 The Art of Reforming Centrally Planned Economies: Comparing China, Poland, and Russia 미리보기
Woo, W. T. Academic Press 1992
217 저널기사 The auditor's going-concern decision: Interaction of task variables and the sequential processing 미리보기
Asare, Stephen K American Accounting Association 1992
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