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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 연속간행물 Acta ophthalmologica Scandinavica 미리보기
의학도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
Scriptor 1995-
82 저널기사 Actinomycetes of the Genus Streptosporangium in Forest and Meadow Ecosystems / 미리보기
Zenova, G. M s.n.] 1995
83 저널기사 Actions taken to prevent the propagation of disturbances in manufacturing systems 미리보기
Lindau, R. A.;Lumsden, K. R. Elsevier 1995
84 저널기사 Activated molybdenum promoted reduction of nitroarenes with hydrazine monohydrate/ 미리보기
표상현 忠南大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1995
85 저널기사 Active Surface and Transfer Processes in Gas Dynamics / 미리보기
Kholmurodov, Kh.T 1995
86 저널기사 Activity-based costing and distribution logistics management 미리보기
Prittilae, T.;Hautaniemi, P. Elsevier 1995
87 저널기사 Activity of single-stranded DNA endonucleases in mung bean is associatedwith cell division 미리보기
Grafi, G Martinus Nijhoff/Dr. W. Junk 1995
88 저널기사 Activity of Starch Synthase and the Amylose Content in Rice Endosperm 미리보기
Umemoto, T Pergamon Press 1995
89 저널기사 Activity staining of Pacific whiting (Merluccius productus) protease 미리보기
An, H The Institute 1995
90 저널기사 ACT의 학업성취검사와 직업흥미검사 미리보기
이종승 忠南大學校 敎育發展硏究所 1995
91 저널기사 Acute encephalopathy and hyperammonaemia in a horse without evidence of liver disease 미리보기
Mair, T. S The Association 1995
92 저널기사 Acute Shifts in Relaxin, Progesterone, Prolactin, and Growth Hormone Secretion in Chinese Meishan Gilts During Late Pregnancy and After Hysterectomy 미리보기
Dlamini, B. J American Society of Animal Science [etc.] 1995
93 저널기사 Acyclicity and Dynamic Stability: Generalizations and Applications 미리보기
Boldrin, M. ACADEMIC PR 1995
94 저널기사 Acyclicity and dynamic stability: Generalizations and applications 미리보기
Boldrin, Michele Academic Press 1995
95 저널기사 Acylshikonin analogues : 미리보기
안병준 忠南大學校 藥學大學 醫藥品開發硏究所 1995
96 저널기사 Adams, Jane/The Transformation of Rural Life: Southern Illinois, 1890-1990 미리보기
97 저널기사 Adam Smith on Econimic Justice in the Labor Market / 미리보기
Noell, Edd S. unknown 1995
98 저널기사 Adam Smith on Econimic Justice in the Labor Market / 미리보기
Noell, Edd S 1995
99 저널기사 Adam Smith's Advisory Style as Illustrated by His Trade Policy Prescriptions / 미리보기
Endres, A.M. unknown 1995
100 저널기사 Adam Smith's Advisory Style as Illustrated by His Trade Policy Prescriptions / 미리보기
Endres, A.M 1995
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