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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
161 저널기사 Adverse Selection, Volume and Transactions Around Dividend Announcements in a Continuous Auction System 미리보기
Rubio, G.;Tapia, M. Blackwell Publishers 1995
162 저널기사 Advertisements designed to broaden CPA recognition 미리보기
DeRupo, Joseph F American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 1995
163 저널기사 Advertisers' Index 미리보기
Delta Communications, etc.] 1995
164 저널기사 Advertiser's Index 미리보기
Delta Communications, etc.] 1995
165 저널기사 Advertiser's Index 미리보기
Delta Communications, etc.] 1995
166 저널기사 Advertiser's Index 미리보기
Delta Communications, etc.] 1995
167 저널기사 Advertiser's Index 미리보기
Delta Communications, etc.] 1995
168 저널기사 Advertiser's Index 미리보기
Delta Communications, etc.] 1995
169 저널기사 Advertiser's Index 미리보기
Delta Communications, etc.] 1995
170 저널기사 Advertiser's Index 미리보기
Delta Communications, etc.] 1995
171 저널기사 Advertiser's Index 미리보기
Delta Communications, etc.] 1995
172 저널기사 Advertiser's Index 미리보기
Delta Communications, etc.] 1995
173 저널기사 Advertiser's Index 미리보기
Delta Communications, etc.] 1995
174 저널기사 Advertiser's Index 미리보기
Delta Communications, etc.] 1995
175 저널기사 Advertising and the stability of consideration sets over multiple purchase occasions 미리보기
Mitra, A. ELSEVIER 1995
176 저널기사 Advertising in Customer Markets 미리보기
177 저널기사 Advertising in demand systems for alcoholic drinks and tobacco: A comparative study 미리보기
Duffy, Martyn North-Holland 1995
178 저널기사 Advertising Restrictions and Concentration: The Case of Malt Beverages 미리보기
Sass, T. R. ELSEVIER 1995
179 저널기사 Advertising's Impact on Children as a Function of Viewing Purpose 미리보기
VanEvra, J. P. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 1995
180 저널기사 Advertising's impact on children as a function of viewing purpose 미리보기
Van Evra, Judith P Van Nostrand Reinhold 1995
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