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381 저널기사 Adolescent consumer decision-making styles: The consumer socialization perspective 미리보기
Shim, Soyeon Van Nostrand Reinhold 1996
382 저널기사 Adoption of a politicized technology: bST and Wisconsin dairy farmers 미리보기
Barham, Bradford L American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
383 저널기사 Adoption of a Politicized Technology: bST and Wisconsin Dairy Farmers 미리보기
Barham, B. L. unknown 1996
384 저널기사 Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Dose Response and Some Physiological Effectsof Transportation on Pregnant Brahman Cattle 미리보기
Lay, D. C American Society of Animal Science [etc.] 1996
385 저널기사 Adsorbents for methane storage made by phosphoric acid activation of peach pits 미리보기
MacDonald, J. A. F Pergamon Press 1996
386 저널기사 Adsorption and Degradation of Rimsulfuron on A1 Hectorite 미리보기
Pantani, O American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 1996
387 저널기사 Adsorption and Desorption of Atrazine, Deethylatrazine, Deisopropylatrazine, and Hydroxyatrazine on Levy Wetland Soil 미리보기
Mersie, W American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 1996
388 저널기사 Adsorption and Desorption of Cholesterol in Continuous Supercritical Fluid Processing of Anhydrous Milk Fat 미리보기
Lim, S The Institute 1996
389 저널기사 Adsorption Behavior of Alternating Copolymers with Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Side Chains: An ESR Study of the Spin-Labeled Polymers 미리보기
Ebner, S American Chemical Society 1996
390 저널기사 Adsorption characteristics of the charcoal-nitrogen system at 79-320 K and pressures to 5 MPa 미리보기
Prasad, M Pergamon Press 1996
391 저널기사 Adsorption dynamics for para- and n-hydrogen on Pt(110): rotational state resolved sticking coefficients 미리보기
Rendulic, K. D. Riedler, M. Beutl, M. North Holland 1996
392 저널기사 Adsorption, Mobility, and Filtration of Metolachlor in Container Media 미리보기
Grey, T. L American Society for Horticultural Science] 1996
393 저널기사 Adsorption of calcium ions by graft copolymer of acrylic acid on biopolymer chitin 미리보기
Furlan, L Butterworth Scientific Ltd. [etc.] 1996
394 저널기사 Adsorption of Comb Polymers 미리보기
Van der Linden, C. C American Chemical Society 1996
395 저널기사 Adsorption of Glyphosate by Humic Substances 미리보기
Piccolo, A American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 1996
396 저널기사 Adsorption of methyl radicals on diamond C(111) surface studied by synchrotron radiation photoemission 미리보기
Klauser, R. Smoliar, L. A. Chuang, T. J. Tzeng, W.-T. North Holland 1996
397 저널기사 Adsorption of Neutral Polymers: Interpretation of the Numerical Self-Consistent Field Results 미리보기
Johner, A American Chemical Society 1996
398 저널기사 Adsorption of Phage lambda to Salmonella Typhimurium lamB^+ Requires thePresence of Lipopolysaccharide in the Outer Membrane 미리보기
El Mzibri, M Science and Technology Letters] 1996
399 저널기사 Adsorption of Polymeric Inclusion Compounds on Muscovite Mica 미리보기
Meier, L. P American Chemical Society 1996
400 저널기사 Adsorption of Polymer Solutions onto a Flat Surface 미리보기
Semenov, A. N American Chemical Society 1996
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