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441 저널기사 Aerodynamic Lift at Reynolds Numbers Below 7 x 10^4 미리보기
Laitone, E. V American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1996
442 저널기사 Aeroelastic analysis for flap of airfoil in transonic flow 미리보기
Yang, S Pergamon Press 1996
443 저널기사 Aeroelastic Optimization of a Helicopter Rotor with Two-Cell Composite Blades 미리보기
Ganguli, R American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1996
444 저널기사 Aeroelastic Response and Stability of Helicopters with Elastomeric Lag Dampers 미리보기
Smith, E. C American Helicopter Society 1996
445 저널기사 Aeroelastic Stability of a Beam Traveling in a Tunnel Lined with Resonators 미리보기
Sugimoto, N American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1996
446 저널기사 Aerolastic Optimization of an Advanced Geometry Helicopter Rotor 미리보기
Ganguli, R American Helicopter Society 1996
447 저널기사 Aerosol and trace gas measurements during the Mace Head experiment 미리보기
McGovern, F. M Pergamon 1996
448 저널기사 Aerosol-generated sol-gel-derived thin films as biosensing platforms 미리보기
Jordan, J. D Elsevier Pub. Co 1996
449 저널기사 Aerosol light-scattering in The Netherlands 미리보기
Ten Brink, H. M Pergamon 1996
450 저널기사 Aerosol size distribution and elemental composition in urban areas of northern China 미리보기
Ning, D.-T Pergamon 1996
451 저널기사 Aerospace Software Engineering Perspectives for Agricultural Software Development 미리보기
Alessi, R. S American Society of Agricultural Engineers] 1996
452 저널기사 Aferoside A, A Steroidal Saponin from Costus Afer 미리보기
Lin, R.-C Pergamon Press 1996
453 저널기사 Affect in Dyadic Negotiation: A Model and Propositions 미리보기
454 저널기사 Affective, Continuance, and Normative Commitment to the Organization: An Examination of Construct Validity 미리보기
Allen, N. J. unknown 1996
455 저널기사 Affiliation: To Be or Not To Be Independent? 미리보기
Horowitz, J. L. The Association 1996
456 저널기사 Affine Cost Share Equilibria for Economies with Public Goods 미리보기
Lahiri, S Blackwell 1996
457 저널기사 Affine Cost Share Equilibria for Economies with Public Goods 미리보기
Lahiri, S. 00 1996
458 저널기사 Affinity maturation without germinal centres in lymphotoxin-�deficient mice 미리보기
Matsumoto, M Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1996
459 저널기사 Affirmative Action in South Africa: Rational Discrimination According to Akerlof 미리보기
Black, P. A. 00 1996
460 저널기사 Affirmative Action Plan 미리보기
Brown, B. B. unknown 1996
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