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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
501 저널기사 An examination of the substitutability of founders human and 미리보기
Chandler, Gaylen N Elsevier 1998
502 저널기사 An Examination of the Substitutability of Founders Human and Financial Capital in Emerging Business Ventures 미리보기
Chandler, G. N. 00 1998
503 저널기사 An exceptionally well-preserved theropod dinosaur from the Yixian Formation of China 미리보기
Chen, P.-J Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1998
504 저널기사 An experimental analysis of subgame perfect play the entry deterrence game 미리보기
Mason, C. F. ELSEVIER 1998
505 저널기사 An experimental examination of rational rent-seeking 미리보기
Potters, J. ELSEVIER 1998
506 저널기사 An experimental solidarity game 미리보기
Selten, Reinhard North-Holland Pub. Co 1998
507 저널기사 An experimental solidarity game 미리보기
Selten, R. ELSEVIER 1998
508 저널기사 An Experimental Study of a Dynamic Principal - Agent Relationship 미리보기
Gueth, W. JOHN WILEY & SONS 1998
509 저널기사 An Experimental Study of Communication and Coordination in Noncooperative Games 미리보기
Moreno, D. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. 1998
510 저널기사 An Experimental Study of Communication and Coordination in Noncooperative Games 미리보기
Moreno, D Academic Press 1998
511 저널기사 An Experimental Study of Communication and Coordination in Noncooperative Games 미리보기
Moreno, Diego Academic Press 1998
512 저널기사 An experimental test of the crowding out hypothesis The nature of beneficent behavior 미리보기
Bolton, G. E. ELSEVIER 1998
513 저널기사 An exploratory study investigating transnational information systems 미리보기
Cavaye, A. L. M. ELSEVIER 1998
514 저널기사 An extension of a theorem by Mitjushin and Polterovich to incomplete markets 미리보기
Bettzuge, M. O. ELSEVIER 1998
515 저널기사 An extension of the KKMS Theorem 미리보기
Reny, P. J. ELSEVIER 1998
516 저널기사 An Extremely Sensitive Silver Staining Technique Useful For Salvaging the Results of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis 미리보기
Greeson, K. A Butterworths, etc 1998
517 저널기사 Angel investors and the market for angel investments 미리보기
Prowse, S. ELSEVIER 1998
518 저널기사 Anglo-German Productivity Differences: The Role of Broad Capital 미리보기
519 저널기사 Anglo-German productivity differences: The role of broad capital 미리보기
O'Mahony, Mary Blackwell Pub 1998
520 저널기사 An hypothesis regarding pricing of black-market goods 미리보기
Zuesse, E. ELSEVIER 1998
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