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361 저널기사 Academic Emphasis of Urban Elementary Schools and Student Achievement in Reading and Mathematics: A Multilevel Analysis/ 미리보기
Goddard, Roger D University Council for Educational Administration 2000
362 저널기사 Academic Freedom in Canada: A History by Michiel Horn 미리보기
363 저널기사 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES - Cataloging at the University of Massachusetts Amherst Library/ 미리보기
Banach, Patricia Haworth Press 2000
364 저널기사 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES - Cataloging at Yale University in 2000: Challenges and Strategies/ 미리보기
Swanekamp, Joan Haworth Press 2000
365 저널기사 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES - Cataloging in Three Academic Libraries: Operations, Trends, and Perspectives /// 미리보기
Lee-Smeltzer, Kuang-Hwei Haworth Press 2000
366 저널기사 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES - Cataloging Plus: Philosophy and Practice at a Small College Library/ 미리보기
Mah, Y Mei Haworth Press 2000
367 저널기사 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES - Exploding Out of the MARC Box: Building New Roles for Cataloging Departments /// 미리보기
Ahronheim, Judith Haworth Press 2000
368 저널기사 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES - Flexibility in the Management of Cataloging/ 미리보기
B�naud, Claire-Lise Haworth Press 2000
369 저널기사 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES - Management by Action: How We're Embracing New Cataloging Work at Tufts/ 미리보기
Condron, Lyn Haworth Press 2000
370 저널기사 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES - Pursuing the Three Ts: How Total Quality Management, Technology, and Teams Transformed the Cataloging Department at Penn State/ 미리보기
Bednar, Marie Haworth Press 2000
371 저널기사 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES - Staff Assignments and Workflow Distribution at the End of the 20th Century: Where We Were, Where We Are, and What We'll Need To Be/ 미리보기
Ouderkirk, Jane Padham Haworth Press 2000
372 저널기사 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES - The End of an Era Builds New Team Spirit: Team Playing at Its Best/ 미리보기
Stamm, Andrea L Haworth Press 2000
373 저널기사 AC anodization of aluminum, electrodeposition of nickel and optical property examination/ 미리보기
Li, Lingchuan North-Holland 2000
374 저널기사 AC-BAHNR�CKLEITUNGSSYSTEME - Aktiver Bahnr�ckstromleiter/ 미리보기
Tuttas, Ch P. Schmidt 2000
375 저널기사 AC-BAHNR�CKLEITUNGSSYSTEME - Boostertransformatoren auf AC-Bahnen/ 미리보기
Hofmann, G P. Schmidt 2000
376 저널기사 AC-BAHNR�CKLEITUNGSSYSTEME - DRYFORMER TM - ein neuer Transformatortyp in der Bahnenergiesorgung/ 미리보기
Fromm, U P. Schmidt 2000
377 저널기사 AC-BAHNR�CKLEITUNGSSYSTEME - Kombinierte Streckenspeisung mit Auto- und Saugtransformatoren/ 미리보기
Sch�tte, Th P. Schmidt 2000
378 저널기사 AC-BAHNR�CKLEITUNGSSYSTEME - Messungen im Autotransformernetz der CFL und �berpr�fung mit SimspoG (R)/ 미리보기
Alphen, G-J van P. Schmidt 2000
379 저널기사 ACC/AHA Clinical Competence Statement - American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Clinical Competence Statement on Invasive Electrophysiology Studies, Catheter Ablation, and Cardioversion: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association/American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine Task Force on Clinical Competence - Developed in Collaboration With the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology/ 미리보기
Tracy, Cynthia M American Heart Association, etc.] 2000
380 저널기사 ACC/AHA Practice Guidelines - ACC/AHA Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Unstable Angina and Non-ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction: Executive Summary and Recommendations: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Committee on the Management of Patients With Unstable Angina)/ 미리보기
Braunwald, Eugene American Heart Association, etc.] 2000
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