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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
4721 저널기사 Awards for Distinguished Scientific Contributions/ 미리보기
Spelke, Elizabeth S American Psychological Association 2000
4722 저널기사 Awards for Distinguished Scientific Contributions - Affective Style, Psychopathology, and Resilience: Brain Mechanisms and Plasticity/ 미리보기
American Psychological Association 2000
4723 저널기사 Awards for Distinguished Scientific Contributions - Core Knowledge/ 미리보기
American Psychological Association 2000
4724 저널기사 Awards for Distinguished Scientific Contributions - Making a Good Decision: Value From Fit/ 미리보기
American Psychological Association 2000
4725 저널기사 Awards for Distinguished Scientific Early Career Contributions to Psychology/ 미리보기
Christensen, Alan J American Psychological Association 2000
4726 저널기사 Awards for Distinguished Scientific Early Career Contributions to Psychology/ 미리보기
Goldstone, Robert L American Psychological Association 2000
4727 저널기사 Awards for Distinguished Scientific Early Career Contributions to Psychology/ 미리보기
Wynn, Karen American Psychological Association 2000
4728 저널기사 Awards for Distinguished Scientific Early Career Contributions to Psychology/ 미리보기
Joiner, Thomas E American Psychological Association 2000
4729 저널기사 Awards for Distinguished Scientific Early Career Contributions to Psychology/ 미리보기
Maestripieri, Dario American Psychological Association 2000
4730 저널기사 Awards for Distinguished Scientific Early Career Contributions to Psychology/ 미리보기
Parker, Jeffrey G American Psychological Association 2000
4731 저널기사 Awards for Excellence/ 미리보기
Corporate Press 2000
4732 저널기사 Awards - IEEE Picard Medal to M Skolnik/ 미리보기
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2000
4733 저널기사 AWHONN Launching Women's Health Guide for Consumers/ 미리보기
Lippincott-Raven Publishers 2000
4734 저널기사 AXEL experiment to search for spin-coupling interactions 미리보기
Ni, Wei-Tou North-Holland 2000
4735 저널기사 Axial Alignment of the Lower Extremity in Chinese Adults/ 미리보기
Tang, W M Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, inc.] 2000
4736 저널기사 Axial and lateral solids distribution modeling in the upper region of circulating fluidized beds/ 미리보기
Hyre, M R Elsevier Sequoia 2000
4737 저널기사 Axial baryon number nonconserving antisymmetric tensor four-quark effective interaction (8 pages)/ 미리보기
Dmitrasinovic, V Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2000
4738 저널기사 Axial distribution and characterization of basolateral P2Y receptors along the rat renal tubule/ 미리보기
Bailey, Matthew A Springer-Verlag 2000
4739 저널기사 Axial Force in a Superconductor Magnet Journal Bearing/ 미리보기
Postrekhin, E North-Holland 2000
4740 저널기사 Axial mass transport in liquid-liquid Taylor-Couette-Poiseuille flow/ 미리보기
Zhu, Xiaoyan Pergamon Press 2000
맨앞 이전 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 다음 맨뒤
