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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
4901 저널기사 THE ARTS - ART: In Her Own Image - The crowded life and times of Yoko Ono . BOOKS: Former New York Times theater critic Frank Rich turns introspective in Ghost Light David Levering continues his biographical series of a rights campaigner with W.E.B. Du Bois: The Fight for Equality and the American Century, 1919-1963 Barbara Kingsolver crosses the familiar terrain of strong women and noble issues in Prodigal Summer/ 미리보기
[Time Inc.] 2000
4902 저널기사 THE ARTS - BOOKS: A Guide to Staying Alive - The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook provides advice on dealing with alligators, killer bees, quicksand, faulty parachutes and other threats to life and limb A superb biography of The Chief, William Randolph Hearst The Bang-Bang Club captures snapshots of human tragedy . POETRY: No winged angel in Thom Gunn's Boss Cupid/ 미리보기
[Time Inc.] 2000
4903 저널기사 THE ARTS - CINEMA: Nurse Betty is a wacky dose of reality . MUSIC: King Bennie, wizard of the steel guitar . BOOKS: Christina Schwarz's eerie but excellent first novel; Flint is a slick thriller with a spunky heroine/ 미리보기
[Time Inc.] 2000
4904 저널기사 THE ARTS - CINEMA: Sex? Drugs? Nah. Rock-'n'-Roll! - Writer-director Cameron Crowe's new film depicts his teenage years spent hanging out with rock superstars as a writer for Rolling Stone magazine in the 1970s. The film creates a new star in the process-actress Kate Hudson . BOOKS: Gore Vidal, one of the great social and political commentators of our age, is back with a new novel that concludes his rewrite of U.S. history and a Broadway revival for a play he penned in 1960. Journalist Michela Wrong describes the post-colonial years in the Congo in the new book, In the Footsteps of Mr. Kurtz/ 미리보기
[Time Inc.] 2000
4905 저널기사 THE ARTS - FASHION: Milan's Melange - The mix of errors and personalities in next spring's fashions leaves no clear message . MUSIC: John Tavener's latest works find spiritual value in unlikely places . BOOKS: In The Beatles Anthology, the surviving members of the band attempt to tell the story of its founding, rise and inevitable demise . CINEMA: First-time director Stephen Daudry's film Billy Elliot tells the complex story of a coal miner's son who falls in love with ballet . EXHIBITIONS: The remarkable collection of Russian art in Washington's Hillwood Museum is back on display/ 미리보기
[Time Inc.] 2000
4906 저널기사 THE ARTS - FESTIVALS: The Girls' Night Out - The 25th Toronto International Film Festival was about women's problems and glories, and their occasional itch to be as beastly and vengeful as the hairier sex/ 미리보기
[Time Inc.] 2000
4907 저널기사 THE ARTS - MUSIC: With a spectacular new album, British rock quintet Radiohead reinvents itself-and maybe rock . CINEMA: Christopher Guest goes to the dogs in Best of Show All of Hollywood is in love with Penelope Cruz . Spike Lee's Bamboozled puts race guilt on TV . FASHION: With old favorites, as well as a new boy in town, Paris shows that it has something for everyone/ 미리보기
[Time Inc.] 2000
4908 저널기사 THE ARTS - MUSIC: Wyclef Jean's new solo album is a winner, but we still miss the Fugees . BOOKS: A wise child's view of Chinds Cultural Revolution; Margaret Atwood's sinuous tale of family secrets, social change and the power of storytelling/ 미리보기
[Time Inc.] 2000
4909 저널기사 THE ARTS - SHOW BUSINESS: Thirty years after his death, the Jimi Hendrix experience is still going strong/ 미리보기
[Time Inc.] 2000
4910 저널기사 The ASCRS honouring of Albrecht von Graefe/ 미리보기
Kohnen, Thomas Springer-Verlag 2000
4911 저널기사 The Ash Split Cath(R) in 7 Uremic Patients with Slow Maturation of the Arteriovenous Fistula/ 미리보기
Conz, P A S. Karger 2000
4912 저널기사 The Asian Financial Crisis: An East Asian Perspective 미리보기
4913 저널기사 The Asian Values Debate Revisited: Positive and Nonnative Dimensions/ 미리보기
Lim, Phillip Wonhyuk Korean National Commission for UNESCO 2000
4914 저널기사 The aspirin disease/ 미리보기
Schiavino, D British Medical Association 2000
4915 저널기사 The Assessment of Radiation Exposures in Native American Communities from Nuclear Weapons Testing in Nevada 미리보기
4916 저널기사 The assessment relationship: interactions between social workers and parents in child protection assessments 미리보기
Holland, S. British Association of Social Workers 2000
4917 저널기사 THE ASSOCIATION 미리보기
Gemmological Association of Australia 2000
4918 저널기사 THE ASSOCIATION 미리보기
Gemmological Association of Australia 2000
4919 저널기사 THE ASSOCIATION 미리보기
Gemmological Association of Australia 2000
4920 저널기사 The association between cognitive style and accounting students' preference for cooperative learning: an empirical investigation 미리보기
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