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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
181 저널기사 ABHANDLUNGEN - Prolog ist herrlich! Zu Frank Wedekinds Konzept dramaturgischer Kommunikation/ 미리보기
Vin�on, Hartmut Simons-Verlag 2001
182 저널기사 Abhandlungen - Psychische Belastungen am Arbeitsplatz/ 미리보기
Richter, G Bund-Verlag GmbH 2001
183 저널기사 Abhandlungen - Rechtsfolgen formunwirksamer Befristungsabreden/ 미리보기
Koppenfels, K V Bund-Verlag GmbH 2001
184 저널기사 ABHANDLUNGEN - Sendungsbewusstsein beim fr�hen Herder/ 미리보기
Buchheit, Vinzenz Simons-Verlag 2001
185 저널기사 Abhandlungen - Untergliederungen von Gewerkschaften und Arbeitgebervereinigungen und ihre Tariff�higkeit/ 미리보기
Oetker, H Bund-Verlag GmbH 2001
186 저널기사 Abhandlungen - Verletzung der Ausschreibungspflicht nach (section sign) 7 Abs. 1 TzBfG und Zustimmungsverweigerung nach (section sign) 99 Abs. 2 BetrVG/ 미리보기
Fischer, U Bund-Verlag GmbH 2001
187 저널기사 ABHANDLUNGEN - Von den Aporien politischen Dichtens im Vorm�rz: Robert Eduard Prutz/ 미리보기
Tschopp, Silvia Serena Simons-Verlag 2001
188 저널기사 Abhandlungen - Was bleibt f�r Sozialrecht und Arbeitsrecht? (Teil 1)/ 미리보기
Wank, R Bund-Verlag GmbH 2001
189 저널기사 Abhandlungen - Was bleibt f�r Sozialrecht und Arbeitsrecht? (Teil 2)/ 미리보기
Wank, R Bund-Verlag GmbH 2001
190 저널기사 Abhandlungen - Zur Meinungsfreiheit von Redakteuren im Rundfunk/ 미리보기
Deiseroth, D Bund-Verlag GmbH 2001
191 저널기사 Ability to undergo apoptosis does not correlate with the intrinsic radiosensitivity (SF2) of human cervix tumor cell lines/ 미리보기
Sheridan, Mary T Pergamon Press 2001
192 저널기사 Ab initio analysis of energetics of s-phase formation in Cr-based systems (5 pages)/ 미리보기
Havr�nkov? J 2001
193 저널기사 Ab initio and density functional study of the 5-pentacyclo(,6.02,7.04,10)dodecyl cation. A symmetrical (micro)-hydride bridged carbocation/ 미리보기
Carneiro, Jos� Walkimar de M North Holland 2001
194 저널기사 Ab initio and DFT studies for accurate description of van der Waals interaction between He atoms/ 미리보기
Kurita, Noriyuki North Holland 2001
195 저널기사 Ab initio and DFT study of molecular structure and tautomerism of 2-amino-2-imidazoline, 2-amino-2-oxazoline and 2-amino-2-thiazoline/ 미리보기
Remko, Milan North Holland 2001
196 저널기사 Ab initio and DFT study of the ground 3A' potential energy surface for the O(3P)+N2O->2NO reaction/ 미리보기
Gonz�lez, Miguel North Holland 2001
197 저널기사 Ab initio and kinetic calculations for the reactions of H with SiH(4-n)Fn (n=1-3 미리보기
Zhang Royal Society of Chemistry 2001
198 저널기사 Ab Initio and Molecular Mechanics Study of Conformational Selectivity of Chlorinated Compounds Adsorbed in the Clathrate Phase of Syndiotactic Polystyrene. The Role of Electrostatic Host-Guest Interactions/ 미리보기
Milano, G Huthig & Wepf 2001
199 저널기사 Ab initio anharmonic intermolecular potential of the C2H2-HCl hydrogen bonded complex/ 미리보기
�ar�abal, P North Holland 2001
200 저널기사 Ab initio basis set and correlation limit interaction energies for He-He, He-H2, and H-H2/ 미리보기
Lee, Jae Shin North Holland 2001
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