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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
601 저널기사 Abstracts of Session Presentations at the 2001 APS/MSA/SON Joint Meeting - Discussion: Chitin and Chitinase in Soil/ 미리보기
American Phytopathological Society] 2001
602 저널기사 Abstracts of Session Presentations at the 2001 APS/MSA/SON Joint Meeting - Discussion: Mycoviruses/ 미리보기
American Phytopathological Society] 2001
603 저널기사 Abstracts of Session Presentations at the 2001 APS/MSA/SON Joint Meeting - Evolution of Parasitism in Nematoda/ 미리보기
American Phytopathological Society] 2001
604 저널기사 Abstracts of Session Presentations at the 2001 APS/MSA/SON Joint Meeting - Fungal Biodiversity/ 미리보기
American Phytopathological Society] 2001
605 저널기사 Abstracts of Session Presentations at the 2001 APS/MSA/SON Joint Meeting - Fungal Systematics: From Species Discovery to Phylogenetic Genomics/ 미리보기
American Phytopathological Society] 2001
606 저널기사 Abstracts of Session Presentations at the 2001 APS/MSA/SON Joint Meeting - Genomics of Plant Pathogens: Current Status/ 미리보기
American Phytopathological Society] 2001
607 저널기사 Abstracts of Session Presentations at the 2001 APS/MSA/SON Joint Meeting - Importance of Plant Pathology in Global Trade/ 미리보기
American Phytopathological Society] 2001
608 저널기사 Abstracts of Session Presentations at the 2001 APS/MSA/SON Joint Meeting - Interactions Between Different Host Defense Pathways/ 미리보기
American Phytopathological Society] 2001
609 저널기사 Abstracts of Session Presentations at the 2001 APS/MSA/SON Joint Meeting - Landscape Pathology: Toward Understanding Ecological Interactions of Forest Dwelling Microbes at the Landscape/ 미리보기
American Phytopathological Society] 2001
610 저널기사 Abstracts of Session Presentations at the 2001 APS/MSA/SON Joint Meeting - Molecular Systematics, Evolution, and Status of Microbes Suppressing Nematodes/ 미리보기
American Phytopathological Society] 2001
611 저널기사 Abstracts of Session Presentations at the 2001 APS/MSA/SON Joint Meeting - Nematicides in the Past, Present, and Future/ 미리보기
American Phytopathological Society] 2001
612 저널기사 Abstracts of Session Presentations at the 2001 APS/MSA/SON Joint Meeting - Phytoremediation and Plant Health/ 미리보기
American Phytopathological Society] 2001
613 저널기사 Abstracts of Session Presentations at the 2001 APS/MSA/SON Joint Meeting - Promises and Pitfalls of GMO Crops in the Tropics/ 미리보기
American Phytopathological Society] 2001
614 저널기사 Abstracts of Session Presentations at the 2001 APS/MSA/SON Joint Meeting - Quorum Sensing in Plant-Associated Bacteria: Party Lines in the Rhizosphere -- Are No Conversations Private?/ 미리보기
American Phytopathological Society] 2001
615 저널기사 Abstracts of Session Presentations at the 2001 APS/MSA/SON Joint Meeting - Role of Fungal Extracellular Matrix in Host Infection/ 미리보기
American Phytopathological Society] 2001
616 저널기사 Abstracts of Session Presentations at the 2001 APS/MSA/SON Joint Meeting - School and Community Gardens: Nourishing Bodies, Expanding Minds: Why YOU need a Garden at Your Child's School/ 미리보기
American Phytopathological Society] 2001
617 저널기사 Abstracts of Session Presentations at the 2001 APS/MSA/SON Joint Meeting - Second I.E. Melhus Graduate Student Symposium: New Frontiers in Plant Disease Losses/ 미리보기
American Phytopathological Society] 2001
618 저널기사 Abstracts of Session Presentations at the 2001 APS/MSA/SON Joint Meeting - Soilborne and Fungal Transmitted Viruses/ 미리보기
American Phytopathological Society] 2001
619 저널기사 Abstracts of Session Presentations at the 2001 APS/MSA/SON Joint Meeting - Spectacular Resistance Crashes: Accidents Waiting to Happen/ 미리보기
American Phytopathological Society] 2001
620 저널기사 Abstracts of Session Presentations at the 2001 APS/MSA/SON Joint Meeting - Suppressors of Gene Silencing/ 미리보기
American Phytopathological Society] 2001
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