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11221 저널기사 The AOmega chronicle: earth@omega or sustainability@alpha? 미리보기
Edgeman, R. L. MCB University Press; 1999 2001
11222 저널기사 The AP diameter of the pelvis: a new criterion for continence in the exstrophy complex?/ 미리보기
Ait-Ameur, Amir Springer-Verlag 2001
11223 저널기사 The Apgar Score in the 21st Century/ 미리보기
Papile, L-A Massachusetts Medical Society 2001
11224 저널기사 The API2/MALT1 Fusion Product May Lead to Germinal Center B Cell Lymphomas by Suppression of Apoptosis/ 미리보기
Stoffel, A Karger 2001
11225 저널기사 The Appellate Body's Communication on Amicus Curiae Briefs in the Asbestos Case-An Echternach Procession? 미리보기
Zonnekeyn, G. A. Werner Pub. 2001
11226 저널기사 The Application of 1H HR-MAS NMR Spectroscopy for the Study of Structures and Associations of Organic Components at the Solid-Aqueous Interface of a Whole Soil/ 미리보기
Simpson, A J American Chemical Society 2001
11227 저널기사 The application of an improved method for trans-resveratrol to determine the origin of Greek red wines/ 미리보기
Kallithraka, S Applied Science Publishers 2001
11228 저널기사 The application of biodegradable collagen minipellets as vaccine delivery vehicles in mice and sheep/ 미리보기
Lofthouse, Shari Butterworths 2001
11229 저널기사 The application of comparative genomic hybridization as an additional tool in the chromosome analysis of acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromes/ 미리보기
Kim, Mee Hye Elsevier Science Pub. Co. [etc.] 2001
11230 저널기사 The application of high-speed CNC machining to prototype production/ 미리보기
Schmitz, Tony 2001
11231 저널기사 The Application of Histochemical Methods to the Age Evaluation of Skin Wounds: Experimental Study in Rabbits/ 미리보기
Psaroudakis, Kostas Raven Press [etc.] 2001
11232 저널기사 The application of in situ monitor of extremely rarefied particle clouds grown thermally above wafers by using laser light scattering method to the development of the mass-production condition of the tungsten thermal chemical vapor deposition/ 미리보기
Ito, Natsuko Published for the Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
11233 저널기사 The application of kudzu as a medium for the adsorption of heavy metals from dilute aqueous wastestreams/ 미리보기
Brown, Pauline A Elsevier Applied Science 2001
11234 저널기사 The application of powdered activated carbon for mib and geosmin removal: predicting pac doses in four raw waters/ 미리보기
Cook, David Pergamon Press 2001
11235 저널기사 The application of spectral karyotyping (SKY) and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) technology to determine the chromosomal content(s) of micronuclei/ 미리보기
Jackson-Cook, Colleen Leach, Natalia Tszine Elsevier 2001
11236 저널기사 The application of the multi-pass rheometer for precise rheo-optic characterisation of polyethylene melts/ 미리보기
Lee, K Pergamon Press 2001
11237 저널기사 The applications of theories of accretive operators to nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems in Lp-spaces/ 미리보기
Li, Wei Pergamon Press 2001
11238 저널기사 The Appointment, Removal and Responsibilities of Public Sector Chief Executives in Australia: Some Recent Developments 미리보기
11239 저널기사 THE APPROACHING DEATH OF THE OH/IR STAR IRAS 18455+0448/ 미리보기
Lewis, B M 2001
11240 저널기사 The appropriation of the Phoenicians in British imperial ideology 미리보기
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