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566/569 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2001 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11301 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Prizes - Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for a Translation of a Scholarly Study of Literature/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
11302 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Prizes - Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literary Studies/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
11303 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Prizes - Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for French and Francophone Studies/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
11304 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Prizes - Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Studies in Germanic Languages and Literatures/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
11305 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Prizes - Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Studies in Slavic Languages and Literatures/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
11306 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Prizes - Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Publication Award for a Manuscript in Italian Literary Studies/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
11307 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Prizes - Howard R. Marraro Prize and Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Italian Studies/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
11308 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Prizes - James Russell Lowell Prize/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
11309 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Prizes - Katherine Singer Kovacs Prize/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
11310 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Prizes - Kenneth W. Mildenberger Prize/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
11311 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Prizes - Lois Roth Award for a Translation of a Literary Work/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
11312 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Prizes - Mina P. Shaughnessy Prize/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
11313 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Prizes - MLA Award for Lifetime Scholarly Achievement/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
11314 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Prizes - MLA Prize for a Distinguished Bibliography/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
11315 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Prizes - MLA Prize for a Distinguished Scholarly Edition/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
11316 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Prizes - MLA Prize for a First Book/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
11317 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Prizes - MLA Prize for Independent Scholars/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
11318 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Prizes - Morton N. Cohen Award/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
11319 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Prizes - William Riley Parker Prize/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
11320 저널기사 The Association in 2001 - Procedures for Organizing Meetings at the MLAConvention/ 미리보기
The Association 2001
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