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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
4101 저널기사 Anomalous Surface Relaxation Process in Polystyrene Ultrathin Films/ 미리보기
Akabori, K.-i American Chemical Society 2003
4102 저널기사 Anomalous temperature and disorder dependence of the electron-phonon scattering time in impure metals/ 미리보기
Lin, J. J. Meikap, A. K. Kao, L. Y.; Zhong, Y. L.; North-Holland 2003
4103 저널기사 Anomalous Transmission of an Ultrashort Ionizing Laser Pulse through a Thin Foil 미리보기
Ferrante, G American Physical Society 2003
4104 저널기사 Anomalous transport and quantized massive collective exitations in underdoped cuprates/ 미리보기
Kanazawa, I North-Holland 2003
4105 저널기사 Anomalous two-stage spin-flop transition in BaCu2Si2O7 미리보기
Tsukada, I North-Holland 2003
4106 저널기사 Anomalous Wave Function Statistics on a One-Dimensional Lattice with Power-Law Disorder/ 미리보기
Titov, M American Physical Society 2003
4107 저널기사 Anomalous X-Ray Reflectivity Characterization of Ion Distribution at Biomimetic Membranes/ 미리보기
Vaknin, D American Physical Society 2003
4108 저널기사 Anomaly cancellation in seven-dimensional supergravity with a boundary (18 pages 미리보기
Gherghetta, T Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2003
4109 저널기사 Anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking in four dimensions, naturally (6 pages)/ 미리보기
Luty, M. A Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2003
4110 저널기사 Anomaly of ac susceptibility in low temperature for over-doped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+y 미리보기
Nimori, S North-Holland 2003
4111 저널기사 Anomaly of local structure of La~0~.~7Ca~0~.~3~-~xBa~xMnO~3 manganites at Curie temperature/ 미리보기
Ulyanov, A. N American Institute of Physics 2003
4112 저널기사 Anomaly of quasi-particle density of states in the vortex state of NbSe2 미리보기
Hanaguri, T North-Holland 2003
4113 저널기사 Anomaly of the height-height correlation functions in self-flattening surface growth (4 pages)/ 미리보기
Jeong, H.-C Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2003
4114 저널기사 Anomeric Specificity of the Stimulatory Effect of D-Glucose on D-Fructose Phosphorylation by Human Liver Glucokinase 미리보기
Jijakli, H.; Courtois, P.; Zhang, H.-X.; Sener, A.; Malaisse, W. J. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
4115 저널기사 Anomolous ossicle of the lumbar zygapophyseal joint as a source of back pain in a gymnast: a case report/ 미리보기
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
4116 저널기사 An Oncolytic Adenovirus Selective for Retinoblastoma Tumor Suppressor Protein Pathway-defective Tumors: Dependence on E1A, the E2F-1 Promoter, and Viral Replication for Selectivity and Efficacy/ 미리보기
Jakubczak, J. L Williams and Wilkins 2003
4117 저널기사 Anonymous donors 32 years and older have reduced clinical pregnancy rates and fewer cryopreserved embryos/ 미리보기
Craig, L. B American Fertility Society [etc.] 2003
4118 저널기사 Anonymous oocyte donation: what is the most efficient use of this limited resource?/ 미리보기
Freeman, M. R American Fertility Society [etc.] 2003
4119 저널기사 An oocyte donor's willingness to donate-does the recipient's lifestyle make a difference?/ 미리보기
Kump, L American Fertility Society [etc.] 2003
4120 저널기사 An open conformation of mammalian cytochrome P450 2B4 at 1.6-A resolution/ 미리보기
Scott, E. E National Academy of Sciences [etc.] 2003
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