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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Aberration in proper motions/ 미리보기
Kovalevsky, J Springer-Verlag 2003
82 저널기사 Abeta1-42 promotes cholinergic sprouting in patients with AD and Lewy body variant of AD/ 미리보기
Masliah, E Advanstar Communications [etc.] 2003
83 단행본 Abfindung und Borsenkurs:Moglichkeiten zur Bemessung aktienrechtlicher Abfindungs- und Ausgleichsanspruche (¡?304, 305, 320b AktG) nach dem Borsenkurs : eine juristisch-oekonomische Untersuchung unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der DAT-Altana-Rechtsprechung 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Volker Ullrich Peter Lang 2003
84 저널기사 ABI3 mediates expression of the peroxiredoxin antioxidant AtPER1 gene and induction by oxidative stress/ 미리보기
Haslekas, C Martinus Nijhoff/Dr. W. Junk 2003
85 저널기사 ABIGAIL GREEN, Fatherlands: State Building and Nationhood in Nineteenth-Century Germany 미리보기
86 저널기사 ABIGAIL GREEN. Fatherlands: State-Building and Nationhood in Nineteenth-Century Germany/ 미리보기
Berger, S American Historical Association [etc.] 2003
87 저널기사 Ability of Canine Termite Detectors to Locate Live Termites and Discriminate Them from Non-Termite Material/ 미리보기
Brooks, S. E Entomological Society of America [etc.] 2003
88 저널기사 Ability of Tetrahydrobiopterin Analogues to Support Catalysis by Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase: Formation of a Pterin Radical Is Required for Enzyme Activity/ 미리보기
Hurshman, A. R American Chemical Society 2003
89 저널기사 Ability of the Bispectral Index, Autoregressive Modelling with Exogenous Input- derived Auditory Evoked Potentials, and Predicted Propofol Concentrations to Measure Patient Responsiveness during Anesthesia with Propofol and Remifentanil/ 미리보기
Struys, M. M. R. F American Society of Anesthesiologists, etc.] 2003
90 저널기사 Ability of the Finite Element Models to Predict Response of the Human Spine to Sinusoidal Vertical Vibration/ 미리보기
Kong, W. Z Lippincott Co., [etc.] 2003
91 저널기사 Ability of three-dimensional (3D) engineered endometrial tissue to support mouse gastrulation in vitro/ 미리보기
Liu, H. C American Fertility Society [etc.] 2003
92 저널기사 Ab initio and DFT computer studies of complexes of quaternary nitrogen cations: trimethylammonium, tetramethylammonium, trimethylethylammonium, choline and acetylcholine with hydroxide, fluoride and chloride anions/ 미리보기
Davies, A. S Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
93 저널기사 Ab initio and DFT studies of the weakly bound nitrogen molecule complexes (N2)n (n=3-6)/ 미리보기
Li, Q North Holland 2003
94 저널기사 Ab initio and hybrid DFT study on the electronic states of fluorenone-Na complexes/ 미리보기
Kawabata, H Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
95 저널기사 Ab initio and model investigation of acetylene clustering around hydrogen cyanide/ 미리보기
Schroeder, W. P North Holland 2003
96 저널기사 Ab initio and model investigation of acetylene clustering around hydrogen cyanide/ 미리보기
Schroeder, W. P North Holland 2003
97 저널기사 Ab initio calculation of the KRb dipole moments (7 pages)/ 미리보기
Kotochigova, S Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2003
98 저널기사 Ab initio calculations for the 2s and 2p core level binding energies of atomic Zn, Zn metal, and Zn containing molecules/ 미리보기
Rossler, N Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
99 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of doubly resonant sum-frequency generation second-order polarizabilities of LiH/ 미리보기
Zalesny, R North Holland 2003
100 저널기사 Ab initio calculations of the electronic and structural properties of beryllium-, magnesium- and calcium-nitrides/ 미리보기
Mokhtari, A North-Holland 2003
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