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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1241 저널기사 The Acquisition of Family Financial Roles and Responsibilities 미리보기
Clarke, M. C.; Heaton, M. B.; Israelsen, C. L.; Eggett, D. L. SAGE PERIODICALS PRESS 2005
1242 저널기사 The Acquis of the European Union and International Organisations 미리보기
Azoulai, L. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005
1243 저널기사 The adaptation of hospitality and retail firms to the NMW: a focus on the impact of age-related clauses 미리보기
Langlois, M.; Lucas, R. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005
1244 저널기사 The administration and Ahmed Chalabi The prodigal son 미리보기
1245 저널기사 The adoption and use of information technology: a longitudinal study of a mature family firm 미리보기
Ogbonna, E.; Harris, L. C. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005
1246 저널기사 The adoption of information technology in the sales force 미리보기
Schillewaert, N.; Ahearne, M. J.; Frambach, R. T.; Moenaert, R. K. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
1247 저널기사 The adoption of total cost of ownership for sourcing decisions--a structural equations analysis 미리보기
Wouters, M.; Anderson, J. C.; Wynstra, F. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
1248 저널기사 The adoption of US GAAP by French firms before the creation of the International Accounting Standard Committee: an institutional explanation 미리보기
Touron, P. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2005
1249 저널기사 The Adoption Reunion Handbook, Liz Trinder, Julia Feast and David Howe, Chichester, West Sussex, John Wiley and Sons, 2004, pp. 161, ISBN 0 470 09422 2, 12.99 미리보기
Wilson, K. British Association of Social Workers 2005
1250 저널기사 The advance engineering methods to plan the behaviour of fused panel 미리보기
Jevsnik, S.; Gersak, J.; Gubensek, I. MCB University Press 2005
1251 저널기사 The advantage of avoiding the Armington assumption in multi-region models 미리보기
Plassmann, F. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
1252 저널기사 The Advice Bounceback Effect: When Advice Undermines Its Cause 미리보기
Carlson, K. A.; Murphy, N. Association for Consumer Research 2005
1253 저널기사 The (Affective) Dispositional Approach to Job Satisfaction: Sorting Out the Policy Implications 미리보기
Gerhart, B. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 2005
1254 저널기사 The Affiliation Effect in First-Price Auctions 미리보기
Pinkse, J.; Tan, G. ECONOMETRIC SOCIETY 2005
1255 저널기사 The African Awakening in United States-Upland Cotton 미리보기
Zunckel, H. E. Werner Pub. 2005
1256 저널기사 The Aftermath of a Currency Collapse: How Different are Emerging Markets? 미리보기
Bleaney, M. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005
1257 저널기사 The airline industry A surprising boom 미리보기
1258 저널기사 The all-American beer: a case of inferior standard (taste) prevailing? 미리보기
Choi, D. Y.; Stack, M. H. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
1259 저널기사 The All-Consuming Definition of `Waste' and the End of the `Contaminated Land' Debate? 미리보기
McIntyre, O. Oxford University Press 2005
1260 저널기사 The Allocation of Prestigious Positions in Organizational Science: Accumulative Advantage, Sponsored Mobility, and Contest Mobility 미리보기
Miller, C. C.; Glick, W. H.; Cardinal, L. B. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 2005
맨앞 이전 61 62 63 64 65 66 
