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121 저널기사 Accruals and the performance of stock returns following external financing activities 미리보기
Papanastasopoulos, G.; Thomakos, D.; Wang, T. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2011
122 저널기사 Accruals and the prediction of future cash flows: Empirical evidence from an emerging market 미리보기
Ebaid, I. E. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2011
123 저널기사 Accruals, Disclosure and the Pricing of Future Earnings in the European Market 미리보기
Dargenidou, C.; McLeay, S.; Raonic, I. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011
124 저널기사 Accruals quality and the incentive contracting role of earnings 미리보기
Peng, E. Y. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
125 저널기사 Acculturation and food habits: lessons to be learned 미리보기
Hartwell, H. J.; Edwards, J. S.; Brown, L. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
126 저널기사 Acculturation, Ethnicity, and Air Pollution Perceptions 미리보기
Johnson, B. B. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011
127 저널기사 Accumulated and Differential Effects of Life Events on Cognitive Decline in Older Persons: Depending on Depression, Baseline Cognition, or ApoE ?4 Status? 미리보기
Comijs, H. C.; van den Kommer, T. N.; Minnaar, R. W.; Penninx, B. W.; Deeg, D. J. Gerontological Society of America 2011
128 저널기사 Accumulation of reserves and keeping up with the Joneses: The case of LATAM economies 미리보기
Cheung, Y.-W.; Sengupta, R. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
129 저널기사 Accuracy, unbiasedness and efficiency of professional macroeconomic forecasts: An empirical comparison for the G7 미리보기
Dovern, J.; Weisser, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
130 저널기사 Accurate numerical solution of Black-Scholes option pricing equations 미리보기
Garcia-Rubio, R. Inderscience 2011
131 저널기사 Accursius und „die Glosse„ - Eine Bestandsaufnahme zum 750. Todestag 미리보기
Lohsse, S. C.H. BECK 2011
132 저널기사 ACE inhibitory activity and bioconversion of isoflavones by Lactobacillus in soymilk supplemented with B-vitamins 미리보기
Ewe, J. A.; Wan-Abdullah, W. N.; Alias, A. K.; Bhat, R.; Liong, M. T. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
133 저널기사 Acharya, Viral V.; Matthew Richardson, Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, and Lawrence J. White. Guaranteed to Fail: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Debacle of Mortgage Finance 미리보기
Fetter, D.K. American Economic Association] 2011
134 저널기사 Achieving competitive advantage in service supply chain: evidence from the Chinese steel industry 미리보기
Hua, S.; Chatterjee, S. R.; Jingliang, C. Emerald Group Publishing 2011
135 저널기사 Achieving contextual ambidexterity in R&D organizations: a management control system approach 미리보기
McCarthy, I. P.; Gordon, B. R. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011
136 저널기사 Achieving customer satisfaction in services firms via branding capability and customer empowerment 미리보기
O'Cass, A.; Ngo, L. V. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
137 저널기사 Achieving gender equity in science class: Shift from competition to cooperative learning 미리보기
Esiobu, G. O. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2011
138 저널기사 Achieving integration of the business school curriculum using the dynamic capabilities framework 미리보기
Teece, D. J. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
139 저널기사 Achieving mass customization through trust-driven information sharing: a supplier's perspective 미리보기
Liao, K.; Ma, Z.; Lee, J. J.; Ke, K. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2011
140 저널기사 Achieving Subsidiary Integration in International Innovation by Managerial “Tools” 미리보기
Keupp, M. M.; Palmie, M.; Gassmann, O. Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag 2011
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