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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1841 저널기사 The Area and Population of Cities: New Insights from a Different Perspective on Cities 미리보기
Rozenfeld, H.D.; Rybski, D.; Gabaix, X.; Makse, H.A. American Economic Association 2011
1842 저널기사 The arms build-up: Missiles all round 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2011
1843 저널기사 The Art and Craft of International Environmental Law. By DANIEL BODANSKY 미리보기
Morgera, E. Oxford University Press 2011
1844 저널기사 The Art and Craft of International Environmental Law - By Daniel Bodansky 미리보기
Balsiger, J. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011
Dearlove, D. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011
1846 저널기사 The art of managing individuality 미리보기
Norreklit, H. MCB 2011
1847 저널기사 The art of rapid, hands-on execution innovation 미리보기
Tuulenmaki, A.; Valikangas, L. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
1848 저널기사 The Art of War in manufacturing consumer consent: Strategy, business culture and ethics in marketing management 미리보기
McIntyre-Bhatty, Y. T.; Parker, D. Emerald Group Publishing 2011
1849 저널기사 The Arts and Prisoners: Experiences of Creative Rehabilitation 미리보기
NUGENT, B.; LOUCKS, N. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011
1850 저널기사 The Ashgate Research Companion to New Public Management - By Tom Christensen and Per Laegreid 미리보기
HOOD, C. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011
1851 저널기사 The Asian clam Corbicula fluminea in the European freshwater-dependent industry: A latent threat or a friendly enemy? 미리보기
Rosa, I. C.; Pereira, J. L.; Gomes, J.; Saraiva, P. M.; Goncalves, F.; Costa, R. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
1852 저널기사 The assessment of e-banking readiness in Jordan 미리보기
Salhieh, L.; Abu-Doleh, J.; Hijazi, N. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
1853 저널기사 The assessment of enterprise education in the secondary education sector: A new approach? 미리보기
Draycott, M. C.; Rae, D.; Vause, K. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
1854 저널기사 The Assessment of Research Quality in UK Universities: Peer Review or Metrics? 미리보기
Taylor, J. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011
1855 저널기사 The Assimilative and Contrastive Effects of Word-of-Mouth Volume: An Experimental Examination of Online Consumer Ratings 미리보기
Khare, A.; Labrecque, L. I.; Asare, A. K. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
1856 저널기사 The association among project manager's leadership style, teamwork and project success 미리보기
Yang, L. R.; Huang, C. F.; Wu, K. S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
1857 저널기사 The association between accounting students' lone wolf tendencies and their perceptions, preferences and performance outcomes in team projects 미리보기
Shankar, P. G.; Seow, J. L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
1858 저널기사 The association between non-financial performance measures in executive compensation contracts and earnings management 미리보기
Ibrahim, S.; Lloyd, C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
1859 저널기사 The association between research and development expenditure and firm performance: testing a life cycle hypothesis 미리보기
Ahmed, K.; Jinan, M. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd 2011
1860 저널기사 The asymmetric behavior and procyclical impact of asset correlations 미리보기
Lee, S. C.; Lin, C. T.; Yang, C. K. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
맨앞 이전 91 92 93 94 
