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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
441 저널기사 After Class: Aggregate Litigation in the Wake of AT&T Mobility v Concepcion 미리보기
Gilles, M.; Friedman, G. University of Chicago Press 2012
442 저널기사 After GINA, NINA? Neuroscience-Based Discrimination in the Workplace 미리보기
Kostiuk, S.A. Vanderbilt University School of Law 2012
443 저널기사 After Mexico's election Counted out 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2012
444 저널기사 After Pierre Fabre: the future of online distribution under competition policy 미리보기
Themelis, A. Oxford University Press 2012
445 저널기사 After Qaddafi 미리보기
Vandewalle, Dirk Council on Foreign Relations] 2012
446 저널기사 After Sandy Financial nerve centres at risk of flooding 미리보기
Paskal, C. Royal Institute of International Affairs 2012
447 저널기사 After the Arab Spring: Islamism, Secularism, and Democracy 미리보기
Lust, E.; Soltan, G.; Wichmann, J. Events Pub. Co. 2012
448 저널기사 After the Coalition: What's left? 미리보기
Kelly, G.; Pearce, N. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
449 저널기사 After the congress The dust settles 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2012
450 저널기사 After the Event 미리보기
Anderson, P. New Left Review Ltd.] 2012
451 저널기사 After the Fiesta 미리보기
452 저널기사 After the Fire: The Politics of Ashes 미리보기
Marder, M. Telos Press 2012
453 저널기사 After the Flood 미리보기
D. Bodamer Intertec Pub., etc.] 2012
454 저널기사 After the global financial crisis: From international to multinational banking? 미리보기
McCauley, R.; McGuire, P.; von Peter, G. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
455 저널기사 After the Passing Era of Great Leaders: A Note on the Structural Base of Indonesia's Reformasi Democratic System 미리보기
Ali, F. Yayasan Proklamasi, Centre for Strategic and International Studies] 2012
456 저널기사 After the Pink Slip: Applying Dynamic Motivation Frameworks to the Job Search Experience 미리보기
Wanberg, C.R.; Zhu, J.; Kanfer, R.; Zhang, Z. Academy of Management 2012
457 저널기사 After the storm What Sandy did next 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2012
458 저널기사 After Utoya: How a High-Trust Society Reacts to Terror-Trust and Civic Engagement in the Aftermath of July 22 미리보기
Wollebaek, D.; Enjolras, B.; Steen-Johnsen, K.; Odegard, G. American Political Science Association 2012
459 저널기사 Afterword: Does Antitrust Need More Schools? 미리보기
Soven, J.H. American Bar Association, Section of Antitrust Law 2012
460 저널기사 Against All Odds: Investor Protection in Italy and the Role of Courts 미리보기
Perrone, A.; Valente, S. T.M.C. Asser Press ; Distributed by Cambridge University Press 2012
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