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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
101 저널기사 Access to private equity and real firm activity: Evidence from PIPEs 미리보기
Brown, J. R.; Floros, I. V. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
102 저널기사 Access to the polls: Counting voters and votes 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2012
103 저널기사 Accidental death and the rule of joint and several liability 미리보기
Carvell, D.; Currie, J.; MacLeod, W. B. Rand Corp. 2012
104 저널기사 Accidental Innovation: Supporting Valuable Unpredictability in the Creative Process 미리보기
Austin, R.D.; Devin, L.; Sullivan, E.E. Institute of Management Sciences 2012
105 저널기사 accidental victims of the income tax reliefs cap 미리보기
Lagerberg, F. Accountancy 2012
106 저널기사 Accident insurance and contributory causes of death : regspraak 미리보기
M.F.B. Reinecke Juta 2012
107 저널기사 Accommodating the needs of disabled hotel guests: Implications for guests and management 미리보기
Kim, W. G.; Stonesifer, H. W.; Han, J. S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
108 저널기사 Accommodation or deterrence in the face of commercial piracy: the impact of intellectual property rights protection 미리보기
Lu, Y.; Poddar, S. Oxford University Press 2012
109 저널기사 Accords d'Evian : les impasses de la cooperation economique 미리보기
unknown Alternatives economiques 2012
110 저널기사 Accountability and Accounterability 미리보기
McKernan, J. F.; McPhail, K. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2012
111 저널기사 Accountability and corporate governance of public private partnerships 미리보기
Shaoul, J.; Stafford, A.; Stapleton, P. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2012
112 저널기사 Accountability and the Sri Lankan Civil War 미리보기
Ratner, S.R. American Society of International Law [etc.] 2012
113 저널기사 Accountability as aporia, testimony, and gift 미리보기
McKernan, J. F. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2012
114 저널기사 Accountability for Delegated and Implementing Acts after the Treaty of Lisbon 미리보기
Peers, S.; Costa, M. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
115 저널기사 Accountability in Higher Education: Exploring Impacts on State Budgets and Institutional Spending Patterns 미리보기
Rabovsky, T. M. Oxford University Press 2012
116 저널기사 Accountability or Representation? How Electoral Systems Promote Public Trust in African Legislatures 미리보기
CHO, W. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
117 저널기사 Accountants need a humanities and social science education 미리보기
Committee, B. Inderscience 2012
118 저널기사 Accountant's Truth: Knowledge and Ethics in the Financial World, Matthew Gill, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, (2009), 198 pp 미리보기
Papaikonomou, V. L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
119 저널기사 Accounterability and the problematics of accountability 미리보기
Joannides, V. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2012
120 저널기사 Accounting and Business Research. Special issue on: ''The societal relevance of management accounting'' 미리보기
unknown Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2012
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